Books: Christmas in Newfoundland

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Christmas in Newfoundland, Memories and Mysteries is the latest book by Mike Martin.

Mike writes the series of light mystery gendre of books about Sgt. Windflower, who is an RCMP officer stationed in Newfoundland. I love books set in Canada and written by a Canadian.

Christmas in Newfoundland, Memories & Mysteries by Mike Martin
front cover

This delightful book is a series of 10 short stories that you will immensely enjoy.

Christmas in Newfoundland, Memories & Mysteries by Mike Martin
back cover

Each little story was the perfect length to read while I had a cup of tea. I’ve already reread them a couple of times.

My favourites are the ones are of Christmas past, especially the little boy walking downtown with his mother to complete some Christmas shopping. A time when there wasn’t a lot of money, and all the little things were savoured and remembered. Another favourite was when the whole family saved money together to buy a gift for the whole family but they didn’t know what it was till Christmas morning. I won’t tell you what is is, you’ll have to read the book for yourself.

The short stories about Windflower, Sheila, Tizzard, and the familiar names from the other Sgt. Windflower books were lovely to reread, and they make me want to read those books again.

Windflower saves Christmas is wonderful, and even though the descriptions of the weather made me shiver, it was lovely to see how Winston did not want to let the children of Grand Bank down and he did not let the weather dampen the spirit of Christmas.

Christmas in Newfoundland, Memories & Mysteries by Mike Martin
The whole series so far …

The Sgt. Windflower books, seven so far, fill a favourite spot on my bookshelves. I know there is a new book coming soon so I will take time to reread the series so I am ready for the new one.

Christmas in Newfoundland, Memories & Mysteries by Mike Martin
short stories by Mike Martin

I have three other short stories, gifts from Mike at Christmas times. Enjoyable to read and reread.

If you haven’t read any of Mike’s books, this is a good time to start. The Memories and Mysteries short stories will give you a good introduction and you will want to read the whole series.

The books are available from Amazon in print, audio and Kindle editions.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book of short stories, thanks Mike for giving me the opportunity to read it before it was released. I’ll be waiting for the next book in the series.

Sgt Windflower mystery series by Mike Martin

Sgt. Windflower Books:

  1. The Body on the T
  2. The Walker on the Cape
  3. Beneath the Surface
  4. A Twist of Fortune
  5. A Long Ways from Home
  6. A Tangled Web
  7. Darkest Before Dawn
  8. Fire Fog and Water
  9. A Perfect Storm
  10. Safe Harbour
  11. Buried Secrets
  12. Dangerous Waters
  13. All That Glitters
  14. Better Safe Than Sorry
book reviews at

More book reviews.

You can read about the Sgt. Windflower Mysteries on Mike’s site or visit his Facebook page for the latest happenings.

14 Responses

  1. Lorrie

    I have not read any of these books and want to remedy that very soon! They sound charming and fun!

    • Crafty Gardener

      I really recommend this series Lorrie, especially if you love books set in Canada and written by a Canadian.

  2. Myrtle

    Linda hope to find some of these books to read, they are right up my ally of reading material
    Thanks Linda,

    • Crafty Gardener

      It was an enjoyable read, each chapter perfect to read with a cup of tea. Some I had read before but others were new.

  3. Lavender Dreamer

    I can’t wait to read some of these! It’s always fun to hear about an author you haven’t read! Great reviews!

    • Crafty Gardener

      I love all sorts of mystery books Diane, but this one is my favourite as it is by a Canadian author and set in Canada.

  4. Hannah

    Hi Crafty Gardener!
    My friend gave a book called “A Tangled Book”, written by Mike Martin. After reading this truly I became a big fan. I have read some of others books also.
    Now ready to get a new one. Hopefully, it will break other records.

    • Crafty Gardener

      Hi Hannah, I’ve read all the books in the series, written reviews of them too. I’m ready to start the next book Fire, Fog and Water. So glad you are enjoying the series, hope you get more to read. Thanks for stopping by today.

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