Hello and Welcome …

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… to craftygardener.ca

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I’m busy amalgamating old posts and deleting really old ones. If you come across something that isn’t there, please don’t give up and leave, return to the home page and start again.

making a Canada flag out of material strips at craftygardener.ca

The Crafty Side – knit, crochet, embroidery, plastic canvas, kid’s crafts, nature crafts, rock crafts, Guiding crafts & swaps,

The Gardener Side – seed profiles, plant profiles, veggies & herbs,

Whimsy – all kinds of whimsical crafts

Books – my favourite book series,

Recipes – gluten free recipes, ‘soup’er recipes

Birds & Critters – in the garden, water birds,

Enjoy your visit.

garden line

Unfortunately comments on older posts have been turned off due to increased amount of spam. The contact form is always available.

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