Personal Alphabet

posted in: Organization | 1

I challenged myself to come up with a descriptive word about myself for each letter of the alphabet. Some letters were easier than others.

Here is what I came up with from A to Z.

the gardener side at
A to Z alphabet hunt at
  • A – accepting, active, adaptable, amicable
  • B – bird watcher, book lover, British by birth,
  • C – crafter, Canadian by choice, cat lover, cheerful,
  • D – determined, decisive, dependable,
  • E – energetic, easy going, English,
  • F – friendly, frugal, fastidious, forthright,
  • G – Granny, gardener,
  • H – helpful, handy, happy, hard working
  • I – imaginative, inventive
  • J – joyful, jolly, jaunty
  • K – knitter, knowledgeable, kindred
  • L – list maker, learned, library goer, loved, lenient
  • M – mother, motivated, mature, meticulous,
  • N – nifty, nice, non-judgemental
  • O – original, observant, older, objective
  • P – patient, photographer, parent
  • Q – quiet, quilter, quiz lover
  • R – reader, realist, retired,
  • S – senior, sensible
  • T – teacher (retired), tea drinker, traveller, thrifty,
  • U – upbeat, up front, unbiased
  • V – viable, vibrant, virtuous
  • W – wise (I’d like to think so), wife, welcoming,
  • X – xenodochial (friendly to strangers)
  • Y – youthful,
  • Z – zealous, zesty
hunting the alphabet at

Why don’t you try a personal alphabet.

the gardener side at

  1. Margie

    I’ve enjoyed your personal alphabet and alphabetical gardening series. This post also taught me a new word: xenodochial

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