Nothing tastes better than picking your own veggies and enjoying a nutritious meal.

bean varieties
- black valentine beans
- bush beans
- Deseronto potato beans
- October pole beans
- pole beans
- pony beans
- rattlesnake bean
- ruby moon hyacinth beans (not edible)
- scarlet runner beans
- tepary beans
- yellow beans

Be Hap-pea with Ap’pea’ling Varieties
other veggies
- Egyptian Walking Onions
- French breakfast radishes
- lovage
- Jerusalem artichokes
- potatoes
- potatoes – growing in bags
- zucchini

- basil
- borage
- chives
- coriander
- dill
- feverfew
- horse tail
- mint
- oregano
- parsley
- sage
- thyme
Try this hint before you work in the garden. Push your fingers into a bar of soap so that the soap gets under your nails. The dirt won’t get stuck under your nails and clean up is so much easier.