Variety of sparrows

Unusual bird visitors:

The 12 days of Christmas – birding style 2012birding style 2019

One of the challenges I’ve set for myself over the past couple of years is to organize all my photos into folders by subject.  For example the Birds folder has all the birds listed by name that we’ve seen and photographed.  It’s sort of like my life list of birds.  Each sub folder as yearly folders, and each yearly folder has a monthly one.  It sure makes it easy to find photos of a specific topic like the cardinals.  It’s an ongoing process made easier when I do each set of photos when uploaded to the computer.  Now I just have to get comfortable with deleting multiple copies and ones that aren’t so clear.

birds in flight at

I set a challenge a year or so ago to capture birds in flight more.  The top left cardinal photo shows the male approaching the feeder with its wings spread out.  I haven’t captured a better photo of the cardinal in flight but I’ve managed to get some good ones of gulls, ducks, swans and geese on our walks down by the bay.

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