I am aiming to make all my soups gluten free. I am a label reader and most prepared soups, especially creamed ones, are not gluten free. Making from scratch means I can control what goes into the soup. I use ingredients that are naturally gluten free and if I want to thicken the soup I use gluten free flour or cornstarch.

- bean soup
- beef & veggie soup
- black bean soup
- bone broth
- cabbage soup
- carrot & squash soup
- cauliflower soup
- chicken noodle soup
- chicken & rice soup
- chickpea soup
- green pea soup
- hamburger soup
- leek & potato soup
- lentil soup
- onion soup
- parsnip & apple soup
- pork chop soup
- potato soup
- potato & asparagus soup
- potato & carrot
- potato & ham soup
- potato & pasta soup
- potato & split pea soup
- potato & tomato soup
- potato & veggie soup
- sausage & bean soup
- split pea & sweet potato soup
- sweet potato & carrot soup
- turkey soup
- veggie soup
- wild rice & barley soup
*** Hint: Waste not want not.
I frequently save the liquid from cooking veggies and potatoes to use as stock for my soups. I also poach chicken in water and save the liquid to use as a base for my chicken soups.

One of my favourite cookery books is The Essential Vegetarian Cookbook and I’ve found lots of my favourite soup recipes in here. This was a bargain $2 book from a Seedy Saturday visit a few years ago.

Another favourite cookery book I have is The English Kitchen, where I found some of my soup recipes.

Hint: If your pot bubbles over, try putting a wooden spoon across it to stop the bubbles.

My cooking is always gluten free. Find a yummy recipe to cook.