Growing Bags of Potatoes

posted in: Vegetables | 1

Nothing beats that taste of homegrown potatoes.  Here is how I grew several bags of potatoes, easily and without the back breaking work of digging them up. The past couple of years I’ve grown potatoes in bushel baskets and containers and … Continued

French Breakfast Radish

posted in: Vegetables | 0

This was my first year growing radishes for a very long time.  I was prompted to grow them because our grandson loves to munch on them.  I tried a variety called French Breakfast, listed as ideal for container growing.

Yummy Veggies

posted in: Seeds, Vegetables | 0

I love to grow a selection of veggies in containers on my plant tables.  Soon the weather will be nice enough to start planting.  Some veggies like peas, bean and root plants prefer to be planted directly into the soil. … Continued

Z for Zucchini

posted in: Vegetables | 0

Zucchini, or as the British call them – courgettes, is a summer squash.  This is actually a fruit but we treat it as a vegetable.  These plants originate in Italy but are grown across many part of the globe. The seed … Continued

P for Potatoes

posted in: Vegetables | 0

I’ve grown potatoes in large bushel baskets for a couple of years now.  I had been doing some reading on the internet and came across some articles about folks that grew potatoes in containers or bushel baskets and I decided … Continued

T for Tomatoes

posted in: Vegetables | 0

T for tomatoes … freshly picked from the garden … mouth watering … delicious … red … yellow … orange … big … small. Tomatoes are always referred to as vegetables yet they  are an edible fruit that belong to the … Continued

Alaska Peas

posted in: Seeds, Vegetables | 0

Peas are very ap’pea’ling. There is nothing better than popping out into the garden and picking some peas and eating them fresh from the pod. Sow pea seeds in early spring.  Plant about 2.5 cm deep and cover with soil. … Continued