Yummy Veggies

posted in: Seeds, Vegetables | 0

I love to grow a selection of veggies in containers on my plant tables.  Soon the weather will be nice enough to start planting.  Some veggies like peas, bean and root plants prefer to be planted directly into the soil.  Other veggies like tomatoes and herbs can be started inside and get a head start on growing.

Last year I tried okra and zucchini.  The okra was successful but the zucchini bloomed, gave small zucchini that dropped off.  I’m going to try the zucchini again this year in a different location.  Last year it was at the back of the plant table and perhaps didn’t get enough sun.

veggies at craftygardener.ca veggies at craftygardener.ca

Beans, peas and tomatoes are grown every year with great success.  Though I’m not sure how many peas we actually had for dinner last year as the grandkids loved eating them right off the plant.

veggies at craftygardener.ca veggies at craftygardener.ca

veggies at craftygardener.ca

I also grow potatoes in containers. Bushel baskets were a favourite till the bottoms broke through.  Now I use plastic tubs.

veggies at craftygardener.ca veggies at craftygardener.ca

This year I’ve got my seeds already to go.  There is even a packet of nasturtiums in there.  I’m trying beets and snow peas this year.

veggies at craftygardener.ca veggies at craftygardener.ca

I also have a couple of different varieties of beans – rattlesnake snap bean and black valentine bean.  The second photo are seeds I got from the Seedy Saturday event.  Lots of good eating coming up.

Roasted veggies and bbq foil packet veggies are favourites of ours.

The plant tables are ready.  They don’t look too promising right now but in a week or two there will be green growth showing. The double digit temperatures (in Celsius) have been good for warming up the soil.  Then planting starts this week.

plant tables at craftygardener.ca

 I know many people don’t grow their own veggies as they say they are too much work and by the time they are ready they are a good price at the markets, but it is the satisfaction of knowing you grew them from seed and you can enjoy them fresh from the garden without any additives or fertilizers.

How about you … do you grow any veggies?

It’s time for Alphabe-Thursday and the letter this week is V.  V for Veggies

the gardener side at craftygardener.ca

More from The Gardener Side

plants … seed info … veggies & herbs … bulbs, corms, tubers

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