Plant Profile: Poppin’ Poppies

posted in: Plant Profiles, Seeds | 2

P is for Poppies.

The seedlings pop through the ground in April.  They are little hairy leaves that grow quite quickly.


Those green fuzzy heads start popping up in early May.  They are quite fascinating to watch as they slowly split open to reveal the orange/red blooms.  At first the petals are tightly closed together and then they gradually open to reveal a gorgeous bloom.

2011 mayaa

There is a spot on the hill that we let them grow and grow.  This variety of poppy can be very invasive as they spread rapidly by underground roots but they are still a favourite.  But up there on the hill beside the grape vine we don’t mind how much they spread.  I noticed they are even spreading under the fence into the neighbour’s yard.  When they are finished blooming they all get cut down by the lawnmower.  There is the odd bit of Dame’s Rocket growing in between them as well

poppies growing at

Poppies belong to the Papaveraceae family and there are at least 100 varieties either annual, biennial or perennial.

The seed pods are just like little salt or pepper shakers.  Soon the seed will be ready to sprinkle on the ground for next year.  It is known as the flower of remembrance and a symbol of Remembrance Day.

The blooms last a few days and then as they move in the wind the petals drop off just leaving the center where the seed pod develops. I have been known to cut off the seed pod stems and arrange them in a pot.  I actually don’t save the seeds of this variety of poppy as they spread so profusely under the ground.

Some more posts about poppies … knitted poppies, What’s in the garden starting with P, flopping and dropping,

garden line

More from the gardener side: garden areas, bulbs, corms & tubers, plant profiles, seeds & seedpods, veggies & herbs,

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2 Responses

    • Crafty

      Weeding is a never ending job. Maybe we should embrace the weed and let it flower – guess that depends on the weed type.

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