Plant Profile: Iris

posted in: Plant Profiles | 11

I love the spring when the perennial iris blooms.  There are a few different varieties in the gardens from the early blooming mini purple to the mid height yellow to the tall purples, maroons and yellows.  Each has their own time to bloom which makes it seem like there is iris in the garden for a long time each spring. Of course the weather plays a big part in blooming times, sometimes a bit eariler and sometimes a bit later.

iris varieties at
various iris

I wish I knew the names of the different iris in the garden, I just know they are lovely. There are bearded, Siberian and Japanese to mention just a few. Many of them have special meaning for me.

mini purple

The mini iris are the first to bloom and are a joy to see after the long winter. As with all varieties of iris they need full sun for a good portion of the day.

themed size yellow iris at
mid sized yellow iris

The mid size yellow iris bloom next, towards the mid to the end of May. The original clump has been divided many times. These are a special plant in the garden as they were given to me many years ago when I was a Brownie leader and each year they bloom I remember all the fun times we had at meetings, on outings and at camp.

tall yellow iris at
frilly yellow iris

These gorgeous frilly yellow beauties are my favourite and bloom starting the end of May to the beginning of June. These came from a division of a clump of iris at one of the primary schools I worked in, so when they bloom each year I remember approaching the front door and seeing these lovely blooms.

tall purple iris at
tall purple iris

The tall purple iris bloom next, just a few days after the yellow ones.

maroon iris at

The maroon iris also came from the school where I worked. I love the tight buds when they emerge and then open to a beautiful flower.

iris at

This photo is from a couple of years ago when there was a gorgeous display of yellow iris with the odd maroon and purple mixed in.  There are also poppies in this photo and a bit of snow on the mountain.

The plant takes it name from the Greek word for rainbow. Faith, hope, wisdom and courage are what it symbolizes. There are up to 300 varieties of iris.

By late summer or early fall you can cut back the leaves and divide the clumps or move them. Mind you, our of necessity I have moved clumps after blooming has finished and they seem to take just fine in the new location.

the gardener side at

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11 Responses

  1. Robin

    Wow Linda, your iris are incredible! The maroon ones are gorgeous. It seems they like this cooler, rainy Spring we have had. Mine are the best they have ever been.

    • Crafty Gardener

      The cool damp weather seems to have helped lots of plants this year Robin. I wish I had more of the maroon coloured ones, perhaps they need digging and replanting to encourage more growth, something for the fall. Have a lovely day.

  2. myrtle

    You have a beautiful array of colours in your gardens of the irises Linda. We have quite a few here that were here before moving here I love them.

  3. Jennifer Jilks

    They are great plnts, aren’t they?! I’ve moved so much, I’ve just left them all behind. Happily, the previous gardeners here, have done the same.

  4. Margie

    So pretty! I especially like the yellow and purple ones. Iris also seems to be a popular name these days–I know at least 2 young kids named Iris!

  5. Margy

    Beautiful flowers. I love iris. My volunteer pansies and marigolds are adding a bit of colour to the cabin deck, but the two Dracaena spike plants are in full bloom. The bees are loving it. – Margy

  6. Country Gal

    All so pretty and lovely photos of them to . With the cooler wetter spring we have had everything this spring seems so full and lush , Officially summer starts tomorrow June 21st and I am soo happy finally its here and the weather is fast improving to .

  7. Tammy S Asad

    For some reason when I am the first to arrive to a post, I can’t figure out how to leave a comment, but once others have done so, I’m in. :/

    Really love that photo of the mix of blooms together. Still amazes me how flowers such as these continue to come back year after year. Yours certainly are thriving.

    • Crafty Gardener

      That is strange Tammy, I will look into things on my site and see if there is anything I can fix. Thanks for stopping by.

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