Birds: Cardinals

posted in: Birds | 11

I can still remember the first day we saw a cardinal in the backyard all those years ago.  He kept coming to the back window and looking in.  It would fly up and down the window and then perch again on the ledge.  

cardinal at the window at

This photo, taken in the early summer of 1999,  was in the days before I had digital cameras so it isn’t as good as it could be.  But at least I got a photo of him wondering if the reflection he saw was a threat to his territory. They are very territorial birds especially during mating season.

cardinals at

Cardinals are year round visitors to the garden. Check out some 2sDay cardinals. Female cardinals don’t usually sing, just occasionally when on the nest, perhaps calling to the male.

the male cardinal at

Male and female are different colours but the same distinctive shape. They are mid sized birds, about 21 cm in length, they eat mainly seeds but will from time to time eat fruit and insects. Frequently we have 3 or more pairs at a time.

male and female cardinals at

A lucky capture of the male cardinal coming in for a landing at the safflower feeder.

male cardinal spreading its wings at

Nothing lifts your spirits more in winter than to look out the window and see the gorgeous red cardinal with the black mask around its beak.

the male cardinal at

The brilliant red of the male stands out on the snowy covered trees.  Red is not a colour that I have in my wardrobe but I love the red male cardinals.  

Seeing the cardinals always makes me grab the camera and take lots of photos. I take the majority of the cardinal photos taken in winter.

female cardinal at

Female cardinals have the hint of red mixed in with their beautiful beige colourings.

pair of young cardinals at the flat feeder

The female is the nest builder and she lays 2 to 4 eggs called a clutch.  They can do this up to 4 times a year.

Cardinals at
male cardinal at the flat feeder

Cardinals mainly feed on the ground or the flat feeder but they can be tempted to other feeders by adding seed that they like.  One of the feeders if full of safflower just for them.

Cardinals at

The female cardinal is just as gorgeous as the male.  At first her colouring looks to be a bit drab but looking closer you can see the red on her head and the red in her wings.

female cardinal at

The cardinals love the safflower seed. It cost a bit more but it sure is worth it as lots of the other birds don’t eat it.  

male cardinal at

Legend says that if a cardinal visits your garden, it is a visit from someone who loves you that has passed away.


more birds in the garden

Check out Saturday’s Critters and see lots more wonderful wildlife photos.

cardinals at

Perhaps this post seems familiar, or at least part of it. I have been working on amalgamating and updating posts. It is a long process.

11 Responses

  1. Eileen

    I have a silly cardinal that likes to attack my window. Great collection of Cardinal photos, both the male and female are pretty birds. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

    • Crafty

      Thanks for the visit Eileen. Those darn cardinals and windows, protecting their territory. Enjoy the week.

  2. mae

    Beautiful photos! We have several cardinals that come to our yard and our feeder too, and they are amazingly beautiful!
    best, mae at

    • Crafty

      Thanks for visiting Mae, I enjoyed a visit to your blog today. I’ll be sure to add it to my list of favourites. Cardinals are our favourite bird to visit the garden. Have a good week.

  3. Lavender Dreams

    I love Cardinals and heard something interesting awhile ago. Shannon Bream said it was a blessing for the whole day to see a Cardinal so I always think of that when I see one!

    • Crafty

      I love that about visiting cardinals. We must be blessed every day as they come daily to the garden. Have a good week.

  4. tomthebackroadstraveller

    …we have a pair of cardinals and they fun to see at the feeder. I hope that all is well in Quinte West!

    • Crafty

      Hi Tom, all is well here, we have been having lots of rain. We love the cardinals, so vivid and really stand out in all seasons. Have great week. Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Debbie

    male cardinals might just be the prettiest bird we see here, females as well!! i see a lot of them in our yard and at my feeders. my cardinals feed almost always at my feeders, i have several, held on the windows with suction cups. you have captured some great pictures over the years!!

    • Crafty

      We love the red cardinals at any time of the year. I bet you get lots of birds, not just cardinals, with all the feeders you have. Thanks for stopping by, have a good week.

  6. shiju sugunan

    Lovely cardinal memories! Cardinals sound like fascinating visitors – territorial, colorful, and with interesting family dynamics.

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