Birds: Red Bellied Woodpecker

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We love it when we spot a new visitor to the garden. On Sunday October 13, 2012  around bird feeding time (between 4:30 and 5) a red bellied woodpecker was spotted on the peanut feeder.  There was just time to snap a few photos through the kitchen door.  This is a medium sized woodpecker with a black and white back described as zebra like.

The male has the red head from beak down its back neck.  The female has a red patch on the back of the head.

Since then the red bellied woodpecker has been a regular visitor to the feeders in the garden.

red bellied woodpecker at

This brings our total of different species to 5 … red bellied,downy, hairy, red headed, pileated.

the red bellied woodpecker at

In July 2023 there was a leucistic red bellied woodpecker at the feeders. This one had a totally white head. Nature never fails to amaze me.

leucistic red bellied woodpecker visiting
garden line

more birds in the garden

Unusual bird visitors:

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