Welcome, I’m glad you stopped by for a visit.
Like life, this site, is a collection of many things.

I love crafting and I love gardening … hence my name was created … Crafty Gardener, who in real life is Linda. Now I’m retired I have more time to do all the things I love to do, and I often wonder how I had time to go to work. I’ve been sharing my love of gardening and crafting since my site was established in 2004 with my own domain as a gift from my family.
Gardening is just one important part of my life. Family is the most important part. We have been married 50+ years, have 3 beautiful daughters and handsome son-in-laws and four wonderful and energetic grandchildren that keep us smiling and young!
If you are looking for help in seed identification you have come to the right place. I’ve been documenting the growth of seeds, seedpods and seedlings of all the plants that grow in my Canadian garden. Check out the plant profiles to see what grows well in our area.

There is also crafting, reading, sewing, genealogy, and all the other little things that make our life interesting and important. You can follow the drop down menus at the top of the page to see lots of my ideas, patterns, recipes, books and more.

I live close to the Bay of Quinte on Lake Ontario, Canada, where my garden zone is 5b. Now that is 5b in the Canadian way of determining gardening zone. Don’t get confused with the USDA way in which my garden would be 4b. My gardens are mainly perennial beds with lots of annuals growing in containers.
The Crafty Side of me enjoys creating re’find’ things out of used objects.

I also love knitting, crochet, plastic canvas and sewing.
A lot of my visitors arrive from searching for ideas for covered coat hangers. If you are looking for these patterns you have come to the right place.

I love to make things for our grandchildren … 2 boys and 2 girls.
I’m becoming an avid photographer … especially all the lens friends we see.
One of my latest hobbies is painting rocks, be sure to have a look at some that I’ve created. I got into this when visiting family in British Columbia.
This site has been through a few transitions … from an old html Windows based format … to a Blogger format … and now a self hosted format using an iMac. This most recent one caused me a lot of work as each and every page had to be re-published. But it gave me a chance to weed out what didn’t get many visitors and include better photos and information.
Thanks for stopping by for a visit. I hope you have time to leave a comment and to return again another day. Whether you are reading, commenting or looking for ideas I hope you found something to make you want to return again.
Unfortunately comments have been turned off on older posts due to so much spam. If you want to comment on one of those posts please leave it under the latest post and I’ll get back to you if you leave a valid email address.

I challenged myself to write a personal alphabet, see what I came up with.
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