Hello and Welcome …

posted in: Organization | 0

… to craftygardener.ca The drop down menus or the search box will help you find what you are looking for. I’m busy amalgamating old posts and deleting really old ones. If you come across something that isn’t there, please don’t … Continued

Recipe: Upside Cottage Pie

posted in: Gluten Free, Recipes | 3

I took advantage of a cooler day and made a potato and ground beef casserole in the oven. This was a recipe from yummakers, a site I follow on Instagram. Ingredients are all naturally gluten free: First was to take … Continued

Birds: Cardinals

posted in: Birds | 11

I can still remember the first day we saw a cardinal in the backyard all those years ago.  He kept coming to the back window and looking in.  It would fly up and down the window and then perch again … Continued

Plant Profile: Iris

posted in: Plant Profiles | 11

I love the spring when the perennial iris blooms.  There are a few different varieties in the gardens from the early blooming mini purple to the mid height yellow to the tall purples, maroons and yellows.  Each has their own … Continued