Recipe: Upside Cottage Pie

posted in: Gluten Free, Recipes | 3

I took advantage of a cooler day and made a potato and ground beef casserole in the oven. This was a recipe from yummakers, a site I follow on Instagram. Ingredients are all naturally gluten free: First was to take … Continued

Recipe: Tuna Melt

posted in: Gluten Free, Recipes | 2

This is the view from the front window of the tree line about 3 fields away in mid October. The gorgeous Autumn colours are a delight to look at. The raking of leaves has started. The first round we filled … Continued

Recipe: Wraps

posted in: Gluten Free, Recipes | 0

As the weather turns warmer, I switch from having soup for lunch to wraps. It is hard to call this a recipe as it is just things you might add to a regular sandwich but putting it in a wrap … Continued

Recipe: Goulash

posted in: Gluten Free, Recipes | 2

Goulash is a traditional recipe made with ground beef, noodles/pasta, onions, tomatoes, and a few veggies. It is frequently called Sloppy Joe as well. Mine is not so traditional and I made it gluten free by using naturally gluten free … Continued