This is the view from the front window of the tree line about 3 fields away in mid October.

The gorgeous Autumn colours are a delight to look at.

The raking of leaves has started. The first round we filled about 16 bags and took them to the landfill. A lot of leaves are piled under the spruce tree to provide shelter for small animals and insects. We already discovered a frog in there. Eventually the leaves break down and start to form amazing soil.

With the way grocery prices are these days you must take advantage of sale items when available and stock up. This week tuna was on sale for 97 cents and it has a wonderful long shelf life if not opened. I purchased 6 tins but think I’m going back for 6 more.
Tuna melt is a delicious sandwich on its own or serve with homemade soup.

My version is made gluten free, but you can of course use your own favourite bread. One of my favourite gluten free breads is made by Promise. Gluten free bread is expensive so is a treat for me every few weeks. The other ingredients are naturally gluten free.
I prefer cheese slices made with natural cheese instead of the processed ones (which actually taste really good) but I stay away from any food that is processed as it is better for my indigestion.

Drain the tuna and mix with a small amount of mayonnaise and store in a container. Put the cheese slice, split in half on one side of the bread and add a mixture of the tuna to the other side. Put the sides together and spread butter/Becel on the top side. Place under the grill till toasted just the way you like it. Flip the sandwich, add more butter/Becel and grill again.

Cut in half and serve warm.

Absolutely delicious, perfect for the chilly Autumn days we are having.
Next on the list to cook is tuna casserole. My inspiration for this recipe came from The English Kitchen.

I have been neglecting my website, but will get back to it slowly sharing the garden and the crafty projects I’ve been up to.

My cooking is always gluten free. Find a yummy recipe to cook.
Vondean Erickson
These sound good and I have tuna and cheese to make them.
I loved the view of the trees from your window. Thanks for sending these to me.
Hi Vondean, I’ll answer your email soon. I really enjoyed the tuna melt sandwiches.