Books: You Make it Feel Like Christmas

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The Autumn weather continues to be gorgeous. This is my review of another Christmas book received in the mail. You Make it Feel Like Christmas by Toni Shiloh was a quick and enjoyable book to read.

Star Lewis is home for the Christmas holidays from New York. The main reason is her sister’s wedding on Christmas Eve, but she is keeping the secret that she has been laid of from her job.

You Make it Fell Like Christmas by Toni Shiloh

Star isn’t exactly enthused about the wedding as her sister is marrying her former boyfriend. But Star also feels animosity towards her sister for never apologizing for stealing her boyfriend. Will the sister’s be able to work things out? At one point it seems NO, as Angel (sister) un-invites Star from the wedding after a fiasco with bridesmaid dresses.

You Make it Fell Like Christmas by Toni Shiloh

Star spends a lot of time with Waylon Emmerson, her brother’s best friend. Waylon is now running his mother’s Christmas store and Star helps him finds ways to bring in more customers and make the store more profitable. Is a relationship building between the two of them?

You Make it Fell Like Christmas by Toni Shiloh

Christmas magic works its way on Star and Waylon and also on Star and Angel. Will Star return to New York for the new job offer? Will Waylon sell the store after an unexpected offer? Will Star and Angel make up? Grab your own copy and find out.

You Make it Fell Like Christmas by Toni Shiloh

I’ve been stitching some pillowcases in between reading this book. Not Christmas one but a woodland scene. I’m working on both of them at the same time so that I can use the same stitches and colours on the same parts of each pillow case.

Christmas books

This was another enjoyable book to read, full of family values and cozy elements and the feel of a Hallmark Christmas movie. The first was All’s Fair in Love and Christmas.

I was sent these books to review from the Nuts About Books program at Graf-Martin Communications and Baker Publishing Group. After reading the books are donated to the Christian thrift store, the local library, shared with friends or left in little free libraries for others to enjoy.

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  1. Julie G

    Hi Linda, thank you for the book reviews I to like a good Christmas story. Hallmark are showing there Christmas movies now and I watch them while knitting but read my books when I go to bed.

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