Books: All That it Takes

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In this contemporary fiction book, All That it Takes, by Nicole Deese, Val has accepted a new job from her friend Molly and it means she will be moving with her son,Tucker from Alaska to Washington. After a house deal falls through she has to look at renting an apartment so they have a place to live. The apartment just happens to be owned by Molly’s twin brother Miles.

All That it Takes by Nicole Deese

Unexpected things happen to both Val and Miles and it means a lot of re-adjusting for them and a lot of risk taking. The characters are real and you just might associate with some of them.

All That it Takes by Nicole Deese

I was sent these books to review from the Nuts About Books program at Graf-Martin Communications and Baker Publishing Group. After reading the books are donated to the Christian thrift store, the local library, shared with friends or left in little free libraries for others to enjoy.

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