Dr. Peter Chesterfield, a top neurosurgeon at a London hospital, is a workaholic, arrogant, blunt and to the point person. Frequently speaking his mind gets him into trouble. He has ‘words’ with a collegue after an incident during surgery and is sent by his boss to a medical symposium in Maui, Hawaii, supposedly to unwind, relax and become a bit more human.

While there, and on a late night walk he finds a woman with a skull fracture and pulls her from the water. Little did he know this would lead him into an investigation with the Maui police, specifically Detective Lisa Kealoha. He also becomes friends with Dr. Tu Iona, Tuna for short.

Elysium Tide, by James T Hannibal, is a compelling read with numerous twists and turns involving stolen vehicles, gangs, a mole in the police force and so much more. A must for your reading list. Peter and Lisa uncover a lot of things, some too deep to fathom. Action, explosions, and death are all intertwined as they team up to solve the mystery. And what turns out at first to be a death takes them into all sorts of gang warfare and puts both their lives at risk.

I was sent these books to review from the Nuts About Books program at Graf-Martin Communications and Baker Publishing Group. After reading the books are donated to the Christian thrift store, the local library, shared with friends or left in little free libraries for others to enjoy.