Books: The Sound of Light

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Sarah Sundin writes about the drama and romance of the World War II era. The Sound of Light is about secret identities, working for the resistance, and falling in love while there is danger all around.

 The Sound of Light by Sarah Sundin

When the Germans move into Denmark and set up an occupation, the Resistance efforts begin. Baron Henrik Ahlefeldt assumes a new identity so he can secretly row messages for the Danish Resistance across the waters to Sweden.

The Sound of Light by Sarah Sundin

Dr. Else Jensen refuses to leave Copenhagen and abandon her research and makes a dangerous decision to print resistance newspapers. She hears about the escapades of a ‘merman’ and wonders who he is.

The Sound of Light by Sarah Sundin

Henrik and Else are not who they seem to be at first. Is it possible they will be attracted to each other? They feel they cannot tell what they actually do and their relationship had many obstacles to overcome.

The Sound of Light by Sarah Sundin

It was a compelling read to find out what happens to these two people. This is the second Sarah Sundin book that I have read and thoroughly enjoyed. She has written numerous other books as well.

I was sent this book to review from the Nuts About Books program at Graf-Martin Communications and Baker Publishing Group. After reading the books are donated to the thrift store, the local library, shared with friends or left in little free libraries for others to enjoy.

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