The 12 Birding Days of Christmas

posted in: Birds, Christmas | 27

The camera is always on hand to capture the feathered lens friends in the garden, down by the bay or driving along.  

Christmas carols are being played everywhere now and just to shake things up a little bit I’m sharing some of favourite photos of birds with my rendition of the 12 birding days of Christmas.  

Singing along or humming along is encouraged.

the male cardinal at

On the first day of birding my camera snapped for me … a cardinal in a snowy tree

turkey vultures at

On the second day of birding my camera snapped for me 2 turkey vultures – and a cardinal in a snowy tree.

photographing bluejays at

3 bluejays observing, 2 turkey vultures, and a cardinal in a snowy tree.

caspian terns at

4 caspian terns standing, 3 bluejays observing, 2 turkey vultures, and a cardinal in a snowy tree.

goldfinches at

5 goldfinches, 4 caspian terns standing, 3 bluejays observing, 2 turkey vultures, and a cardinal in a snowy tree.

mallard ducks at

6 mallard ducks sunning, 5 goldfinches, 4 caspian terns standing, 3 bluejays observing, 2 turkey vultures, and a cardinal in a snowy tree.

Canada Geese foraging in the field at

7 geese pecking grain, 6 mallard ducks sunning, 5 goldfinches, 4 caspian terns standing, 3 bluejays observing, 2 turkey vultures, and a cardinal in a snowy tree.

sparrows at the flat feeder at

8 sparrows eating, 7 geese pecking grain, 6 mallard ducks sunning, 5 goldfinches, 4 caspian terns standing, 3 bluejays observing, 2 turkey vultures, and a cardinal in a snowy tree.

doves in a tree at

9 doves a resting, 8 sparrows eating, 7 geese pecking grain, 6 mallard ducks sunning, 5 goldfinches, 4 caspian terns standing, 3 bluejays observing, 2 turkey vultures, and a cardinal in a snowy tree.

swans at West Lake taken by

10 swans a floating (I really had to stretch this one to include the edge of the 10th swan on the very right of the photo), 9 doves a resting, 8 sparrows eating, 7 geese pecking grain, 6 mallard ducks sunning, 5 goldfinches, 4 caspian terns standing, 3 bluejays observing, 2 turkey vultures, and a cardinal in a snowy tree.

views at the cottage from

11 geese in lines, 10 swans a floating, 9 doves a resting, 8 sparrows eating, 7 geese pecking grain, 6 mallard ducks sunning, 5 goldfinches, 4 caspian terns standing, 3 bluejays observing, 2 turkey vultures, and a cardinal in a snowy tree.

wild turkeys at

On the twelfth day of birding my camera snapped for me … 12 turkeys eating, 11 geese in lines, 10 swans a floating, 9 doves a resting, 8 sparrows eating, 7 geese pecking grain, 6 mallard ducks sunning, 5 goldfinches, 4 caspian terns standing, 3 bluejays observing, 2 turkey vultures, and a cardinal in a snowy tree.

My first rendition of the 12 birds of Christmas was published a few years ago and has now been updated, just in case you want to compare them.

The 12 days of Christmas actually starts on December 25 and runs through till January 5.  These photos are from my files and were taken at different times in the garden and down by the by bay.  A bit of creative editing was used in a couple of the photos.







27 Responses

  1. Myrtle

    I loved this Linda. You did an amazing job of the Twelve birding days of Christmas!

    • Crafty Gardener

      I love the caspian terns too, we saw a huge group of them at the waterfront on day. Thanks for stopping by. Have a good weekend.

  2. tomthebackroadstraveller

    …thanks for this fabulous Christmas gift!

  3. P Slade

    That’s really inventive Linda. It’s a rainy Saturday here too. Hope it improves for both of us.

    • Crafty Gardener

      There are always lots of things to do on a rainy day … like checking and organizing the photo archives to remind us of nicer days. Thanks for visiting today.

  4. Eileen Wise

    What a cute post, 12 birding days. I enjoyed all the birds and your pretty photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend. PS, thanks so much for leaving me a comment.

    • Crafty Gardener

      Thanks for stopping by Eileen. I’ll be taking a break from posting for awhile, but will be sure to join in to your Saturday Critters when I return. Happy holidays.

  5. Anni

    So many wonderful birds!! I feel like I wanna add…”and a partridge in a pear tree”.

    Sorry for being tardy visiting today. Internet connection issues. Thanks for joining us at I’d Rather B Birdin

  6. Stewart M

    Very nice pictures – and I can verify that I was humming along!

    Cheers – Stewart M – Paris, France

  7. Sallie

    Linda, this so clever! Brilliant. Great pictures also. .. I’m so glad I saw this post. Thanks for the smiles! And Merry Birding Christmas!

    • Crafty Gardener

      Thanks for stopping by Sallie. It was a fun post to put together. Happy holidays and happy birding.

  8. Margie

    What a fun post for the festive season!

    Merry Christmas, Linda!

    • Crafty Gardener

      Thanks for visiting. I follow your blog but don’t often comment. We have family in Victoria, visit yearly, and love to go to all the beach areas, we saw our first towhee while out there a couple of years ago. Thanks for such an informative blog, Enjoy the weekend.

  9. linda

    Great shots Linda…
    All the best in 2020…
    Don’t stop blogging…there is a handful of us left…let’s start a new trend!!
    Linda :o)

    • Crafty Gardener

      I don’t think I will stop totally, just post a few things here and there, but certainly nothing like I used to. Hope all is well with you.

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