For 2sDay I’m sharing some photos of two turkey vultures that was saw on the roof of an old barn along our road. It was a sunny morning as we were driving home and the vultures were just coming in to land on the roof. We were able to pull over to the side of the road and get some fantastic photos. It pays to always take the camera when we go out.

I love the lightening rods on the roof of the barn.

At first only one of the vultures or buzzards had its wings spread. They can sit for hours with their wings like this just warming themselves.
A group of vultures is called a committee. I don’t think two makes a committee.

Then both of them stretched out their wings to enjoy the sun. The wing span is about 6 feet or 2 meters. These are scavenger birds that get their name as it resembles a wild turkey, especially the head.

Their head is bald so bits of dead meat or carrion doesn’t stick to the feathers. Not the prettiest of birds.

We usually see a pair of these turkey vultures flying over the fields looking for food. Years ago we saw them on the side of the road but I wasn’t quick enough to capture a photo of them. They were probably after some road kill.

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Those are AMAZING shots of the vultures. Can’t say I’ve seen ones this close up. The wing span is very impressive.
I’d say they are ready.
Margaret Birding For Pleasure
abulous images of this bird. Have a great week.
Photo Cache
I’ve seen them once, and I was scared.
A ShutterBug Explores
Awesome wing spread on those turkey vultures and great photos!
Happy Day to you,
C & z
They are creepy…but, great shot Linda,
Linda :o)
Linda aka Crafty Gardener
They sure are, especially on the close up shots. It was amazing to see both of them land and spread their wings. Enjoy this lovely day.
Roger Green
They make me oddly nervous
betty - NZ
I can’t call them pretty, no matter how I try, but your images of them are just gorgeous!
Tammy S Asad
Really great photos! Amazing wing span on those vultures.
ABC Wednesday
In The Netherlands we call them Roodkopgier… liturally translated that sais: Red Hed Vulture… seems appropriate doesn’t it…
They look ugly on first glance but at a second look….you see the beautfy
Have a splendid, ♥-warming ABC-Wednes-day / -week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♪ (ABC-W-team)
Linda aka Crafty Gardener
Thanks for the info, the name is really appropriate.
Lea @ Lea's Menagerie
Great photos!
I saw a ‘committee’ of five of them once, alongside a local creek. Didn’t know what they were at first.
They may not be pretty but they are useful at cleaning up!
Linda aka Crafty Gardener
Lucky you to see 5, the most I’ve seen flying overhead is 3.
I’ve never seen these birds in the wild, and yours are amongst the best photos I have seen of them.
Not the prettiest heads, no. If you spent most of your dinner time with your head inside your dinner I think you would prefer a shaved head too. The spread wings do make up for it in their magnificence, though.
Trust me, I’m a doctor.
Betty Crow
Wonderful series of shots! They are not pretty birds, but they sure are useful.
Awesome, really cool pictures!
Daniel LaFrance
Superb series of photos! As one of your commentors mentioned, they take care of the dirty work.
What awesome shots of the vultures Linda!
Great pictures, especially the closeups. – Margy
Amazing wing span. You got good details.
As with my recently updated blog with vultures, yours are no more beautiful than mine, but they do a great job of keeping the countryside clean. Some great shots here. Diane
Awesome captures. We have them soaring over our house and valley . They are ugly in the face but beautiful and majestic in the air as they soar over head catching the wind currant . Thanks for sharing . Have a good weekend !
Jennifer Jilks
They are excellent cleaner uppers!