2sDay: Cardinals

posted in: 2sDay, Birds, Lens Friends | 1

It’s 2sDay and time for photos of 2 of the same thing.  This week it is my favourite bird – the cardinal – the male and female together. Enjoy the photos from the archives taken at different times of the … Continued

2sDay: Bluejays

posted in: 2sDay, Birds, Lens Friends | 0

Photos from the archives of 2 bluejays for 2sDay. Blue jays belong to the Corvidae family native to North America. The corvidae family also includes crows, magpies, rooks, jackdaws, and others (up to 100 varieties). This family of birds have … Continued

O for Orioles

posted in: Birds, Lens Friends | 27

We love it when the orioles return in the spring.   Their vibrant orange makes them noticeable  high up in the pine trees.  The Northern orioles have two very closely related species … the Baltimore oriole and the Bullock’s oriole. … Continued