The whimsical frog parking area has grown in size this year. I was lucky to receive a lot of frog ornaments from a Freecycle person and they fit into my garden perfectly.

I don’t remember where I saw this saying, but knew it had to be created for the garden.

Of course the frogs all congregate by the run off stream so they can take a quick splash whenever they want to. I just might have to change the name of this garden area from the bridge garden to the frog garden.

It was called the bridge garden in 2014 when the new bridge that was built. You can see where it crosses the run off stream to the very back of the garden. Photo taken looking back into the garden.
Other garden areas:
Garden areas
- bridge garden
- farmyard garden
- fence garden
- front shade garden
- front diamond garden
- Herb’s Place
- tea thyme garden
- sign post garden
- trellis garden
- veggie garden
We love the real frogs and toads that live in the garden. This year I’ve already seen quite a few toads in different garden areas.

One toad has taken up residence in my old garden boots that I use as planters. It loves to go right down into the toe of the boot. It’s a toe-d home! (thanks to a member of a gardening group I belong to)
Toads are friendly neighbours to have in your garden as they consume 3x their body weight in bugs and insects.

I actually have two toad abodes in the garden but toads don’t choose to live there. They seem to prefer the dark and dampness of the old boots.
These boots are by the front path and each time I go out I say hello to Toady! I hope he stays around for a long time.

Frogs are quick hoppers and slippery critters to catch. We have even had a tree frog who thought the garden umbrella was a tree!

I was really fortunate to capture a photo of a real frog relaxing on the nose of an ornament frog one year. Perfect.

We call this big frog Sir Doogie, named after a really good friend, Doug, who gave it to me.

I hope you encourage toads and frogs to live in your garden. I’m sharing with Saturday’s Critters. These projects will help attract critters.
for the critters
hetty gruener
I love your toads and frogs. Wish my garden was big enough to accommodate them.
Crafty Gardener
Hi Hetty, thanks for stopping by. I just love adding whimsy to the garden and I’m fortunate enough to have a lovely big garden.
hetty gruener
I love whimsy too. But not feeling very whimsical right now. I like your idea of painting Canada flags on rocks for Canada Day. I think I should give that a try.
Linda I am happy to find another frog/toad loving gardener !
My problem is that I only have wanna’ be frogs/toads in ceramic form ? LOL
Years ago we had a frog here and there, but now a days not a single one .. I guess I can’t blame them, we don’t have a pond or anything water retaining at their level .. we have a water feature but it is a self draining/circulating ? fountain (rock obelisk) and two bird baths which doesn’t help much either .. but I do have lovely shade and sprinklers that go off every few days .. what I wouldn’t give to hear peepers at night.
Love all your frogs and toads .. keep collecting ! LOL
Crafty Gardener
I love whimsy in the garden Joy, and was thrilled to received some more frogs for my collection. Yes, you really need a water source to attract frogs to the garden. We are lucky having a run off stream at the back on the property. Enjoy the weekend, stay cool.
I love your frogs and toads of both varieties ceramic and real, I’ve got a few, ceramic and stone but my collection is no way as big as yours, I wish I had real ones I think I need to get a pond. 🙂 xx
Crafty Gardener
Water really does help in attracting frogs to the garden, but when you don’t have water, whimsical frogs will be just as good.
Hello, I love all the frogs and toads. They are so cute. Your gardens and cute yard art look wonderful. I hope they( the toads) were not toe-d too far. Wonderful collection of photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your day, have a happy weekend! PS, thanks for the comment and visit.
Crafty Gardener
Hi Eileen, I love whimsy in the garden, as the grandkids love checking out all the different things there are. Enjoy the weekend.
Karen, Pixel Posts
Crafty Gardener
These are beautiful frogs and toads photos!
Sweet the artisanal frogs!
Have a beautiful Weekend
Greetings Elke
Crafty Gardener
Thank you Elke, hope you are having a wonderful day and enjoying the garden.
Those frogs look happy. They are cute.
Crafty Gardener
Thanks fir stopping by Anu. Have a lovely day.
You have some pretty toads! And the traditional. I don’t see many in my yard at home but up north many more. They’re always a treat.
Thanks for stopping by my blog the other days. I so enjoyed your visit and comment!
Crafty Gardener
Glad you stopped by for a visit. Enjoy the day.
You know what they call a car that is being towed by an RV don’t you, a toad. A cut sign and lots of real and decorative frogs and toads. We are waiting to see if the border closure expires. We can cross since we are citizens now, but we have to stay in our condo in Powell River for a 14 day quarantine. That is what is holding us back. We can’t wait much longer and be able to take care of several in-person business items that need to be done in August. We are comfortable here in Washington State, but it isn’t home. – Margy
Crafty Gardener
I didn’t know that Margy, never too old to learn something new. I knew about the quarantine time. Hope you can work things out soon.