Awhile ago while browsing though the dollar store I came across these little mesh domes for popping over plates of food to keep the flies off. And immediately my mind was thinking of how to convert it into another hanging bird feeder.
This garden project turned into such an easy one. I had originally thought of using some chain and some sort of decoration for the top to match the one I recently received as a gift.

While hunting in the garage for a decoration for the top I came across this old plant hanger made of shells. I’m all for simplicity so I just popped the mesh cover inside the plant hanger and presto and instant hanging mesh bird feeder.

After all the birds weren’t really interested in the decoration at the top. The only thing they were interested in was the seed!
It didn’t take long for them to start popping into this new feeder. Now I have two hanging mesh feeders, one on each side of the garden.

the starling and the white crowned sparrow

the bluejay

the chickadee

the female cowbird

the tree sparrow

This homemade hanging mesh feeder is deeper than the other one and you can see two little tree sparrows inside and one on the edge.

Snacking with friends is so much more fun.
Have you made any bird feeders to entice feathered lens friends into your garden?

Have a look at some more of my lens friends photos.