2sDay: Male Grosbeaks

posted in: 2sDay, Birds, Lens Friends | 1

I love a play on words. 2sDay (Tuesday) is the day I frequently share photos of 2 of the same thing – flowers, birds, critters, leaves etc.

male grosbeaks for 2sDay at craftygardener.ca

Grosbeaks visit the garden from May to October and enjoy the various feeders.

male grosbeaks for 2sDay at craftygardener.ca

The male can be up to 22 cm long, is black and white with its distinctive red bib.

male grosbeaks for 2sDay at craftygardener.ca

They are enjoying the mixed seed feeder and the safflower feeder.

male grosbeaks for 2sDay at craftygardener.ca

These photos were taken on June 22, 2021.

male grosbeaks for 2sDay at craftygardener.ca

More 2sDay photos

Check out my bird feeders and bird food ideas:

  1. Myrtle

    They are very pretty Linda and you do have a lot of feeders. Hope it cools down for you two tonight.

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