We have added a new log feeder to the garden for this winter.
It’s a piece of birch log with holes drilled in it and then the holes are then filled with my all season suet recipe. There was a piece of birch branch left over from some logs I have for filling the winter greenery pots. Holes were drilled in half way for a total of 5 holes around the log and a hole was drilled into the top and a big hook was added.
The next job was to make some all season suet and plug the holes. Then the new feeder was added to the feeder pole.

These feeder poles are old umbrella poles. After many seasons the umbrella material just shredded away but I hate throwing things away and after the old tree fell down one winter we needed something to hang the feeder on. The base is a metal umbrella stand and the pole has holes drilled and 4 plant brackets added to hang the feeder on. The feeders are easy to life off for filling and I’m frequently moving the feeders around.
It didn’t take long for the chickadee to start investigating the feeder.

Then the downy woodpecker hopped over from the peanut feeder to see what else there was to snack on.

The nuthatch was next to come along … and not even upside down!

And then came the junco.

I think this will be a wonderful addition to the various feeders we have in the garden.
You can see a step by step method of making the suet here.