Critters in the Garden

posted in: Lens Friends | 10

Wildlife is attracted to the garden. It might be a good thing, it might be a bad thing, depending on your opinion.

We love watching wildlife.

wild turkeys in the garden at

The wild turkeys don’t very often venture into the garden.

wild turkeys in the garden at

I guess it was the perfect day for a stroll from the farm fields behind us to see what they could find in the garden.

monarch butterfly on the milkweed at

Monarch butterflies are flitting around and landing on the milkweed.

monarch butterfly on the milkweed at

The monarch was also captured on the thistle blooms and the obedience plant.

monarch butterfly on the blooms at

The bees are enjoying the Rose of Sharon blooms. Just look at all the pollen on the bee.

Rose of Sharon at

The bees are also enjoying the thistle blooms.

a thistle growing wild at
garden line

for the critters

10 Responses

  1. Joy

    Linda you caught stunning pictures here .. I totally love the bee covered in pollen.
    The shots of the “clean” bee on the thistle are gorgeous !
    I have seen one Monarch so far but I have a suspicion there are more lurking in the garden waiting for the standard hydrangea to fully open .. two years ago it was covered in Monarchs so I want to be prepared for some photos then.
    I smiled big time with the turkeys .. I watched a documentary about a man living with them to get to know them and how different each turkey’s personality was.
    It was amazing .. you have great shots here , well done you !

  2. Eileen


    You do attract wonderful wildlife there, I have never seen the turkeys in our yard. They look young and cute. Beautiful captures of the Monarch. Your flowers are lovely. That bee is covered with pollen, wonderful photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post! Take care, enjoy your weekend!
    PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  3. Linda

    I love seeing the wildlife in your garden, fantastic photos! xx

  4. Lavender Dreams

    How neat to see so many wild turkeys! They are fun to watch! Love the Monarch…we haven’t seen many here this year! Happy weekend!

  5. Angie

    Love it, love it, love it! Turkeys are so amusing to me, especially with the young in tow. Around here, they often walk one behind the other … So glad to see monarchs! Good for you to have milkweed around. And that bee with the pollen – I wonder if it feels a bit drunk? Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

  6. Kim

    Wonderful, wonderful photos, I love them all. I’m not sure why your posts are only showing up in my feed now, though!

  7. Sylvia

    Linda, Love the flowers and critters. Good to see pollen loading down the bees. Have a great week. Sylvia D.

  8. Heidrun

    Wow, Linda, your garden scenes are wonderful. I enjoyed reading here your Post.

    Happy MosaicMonday

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