Guest Post by Author Mike Martin

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On Fridays I usually post about a book that I have recently read, but this Friday things are slightly different and I’m happy to have a guest author.  Awhile ago I started reading the Sgt. Windflower series of books by Canadian author Mike Martin.  I really enjoyed the first two books in this series, The Walker on the Cape and The Body on the T, and you can read my reviews of them.  In a short while the third book in this series will be available … Beneath the Surface.  If you haven’t read this mystery series you have a chance to win a copy of the book for your Kindle or Kobo or e-reader.

I’m pleased to have a guest post by Mike on my website today.

Telling Our Stories: Why Canadian Fiction is Important by Mike Martin


I am a writer and I write a mystery series set in Newfoundland on the east coast of Canada. I guess I could have set the stories in any part of the world that I choose. Sometimes in the middle of winter I regret not placing my characters in Cuba or Costa Rica, anywhere warm. Then I could go and visit them to do my research.

But I was born in Newfoundland, and if I set my stories in some exotic location, I wouldn’t be able to talk about Newfoundland and I wouldn’t be able to explore different places and communities in my home province. I wouldn’t be able to talk about fish and brewis or partridgeberry jam. I wouldn’t be able to tell my readers that the town of Wabana on Bell Island, home of one of the largest underground iron ore mines in the world, was an old Beothuk name for “place where the light shines first.”

I certainly wouldn’t be able to talk about the Beothuk Indians, that’s for sure. And that’s a shame because that First Nation was wiped out long, long ago in a combination of disease, distrust and displacement by the Europeans who came to the little island in the North Atlantic. And I couldn’t talk about the challenges facing that small province today as it struggles to find its way past the glory days of the fishery and into the brave and sometimes scary world and economy of the future.

When I began my fiction writing career it was suggested to me that I situate my stories in an international venue and not in Canada, because our American friends wouldn’t read anything that was situated in Canada. Heaven forbid that I would actually set my stories in Newfoundland, no one even knew where that was. I ignored that advice, and I don’t think it was at my peril either. Sure, I may have been able to make a few more bucks but that’s not the point of being a writer. At least for me.

I am certainly no martyr because I decided to situate my stories in Newfoundland. I’m actually quite pleased and proud of that fact. I have stayed true to myself and my craft and I get to write which is always a privilege that I am grateful for. I am also grateful to the people who have read my books, especially those who have told me about that experience, what they liked best, and what they wanted to see more of and less of in the next book. They always assumed there would be another one. That makes me very happy and makes me want to write even more books.

Special thanks to Linda aka Crafty Gardener for sharing some of her valuable cyberspace and friends with me.

You can follow my latest blog about the third book and follow the Sgt Windflower Mysteries on Facebook.


Mike Martin is the author of the Sgt. Windflower Mystery series. The third book in this series, Beneath the Surface, is just being released and is available now for pre-order at these places ….  or  or

I’m looking forward to getting the latest book to get reacquainted with Sgt Windflower, his colleagues and friends and the province of Newfoundland.  I’ll be writing a review of the book when I’ve finished it.

Sgt Windflower mystery series by Mike Martin

Sgt. Windflower Books:

  1. The Body on the T
  2. The Walker on the Cape
  3. Beneath the Surface
  4. A Twist of Fortune
  5. A Long Ways from Home
  6. A Tangled Web
  7. Darkest Before Dawn
  8. Fire Fog and Water
  9. A Perfect Storm
  10. Safe Harbour
  11. Buried Secrets
  12. Dangerous Waters
  13. All That Glitters
  14. Better Safe Than Sorry
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