Books: Fire, Fog and Water

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I always eagerly await the next book in the Sgt Windflower series by Mike Martin. I’m never disappointed when I finally get my copy of it.

Fire, Fog and Water by Canadian author Mike Martin
the eighth book in the series

The latest book in the series is Fire, Fog and Water. There are now eight books about Sergeant Winston Windflower and his crew of RCMP officers at the Grand Bank Detachment in Newfoundland. I have followed the whole series and feel like the characters in the books are friends.

Newfoundland is a province in Canada we would love to visit for its rugged coasts, colourful houses, rich history and friendly people.

Fire, Fog and Water by Canadian author Mike Martin

Sgt Windflower starts off this book by not having a good day, in fact a series of not good days, which is most unusual for him. From arguing with loved ones, to being grumpy with staff and then discovering a body on his morning walk. And then of course there is the Newfoundland weather!!

Book Beginnings:  
Sergeant Winston Windflower was not happy. That was unusual. Anybody who knew Windflower would say he was almost always happy.
Today though, anyone who saw him could tell he was certainly not happy.

There are the drug problems, mental health issues, and the treatment of female offices by the higher ups in the RCMP. These are today’s relevant problems and they have been expertly woven into the story .

The Sgt. Windflower series by Canadian author Mike Martin
my collection of Sgt. Windflower books and short stories

More murders are uncovered along with a fire and they are all intertwined. Corporal Tizzard is going through his own crisis and there is a surprising decision at the end.

Friday 56:  
"Evanchuk is nothing ..." started Raymond, and the next thing Windflower knew, the acting inspector was on the floor and Tizzard was on top of him

Windflower always finds peace with his daughter Amelia Louise and once the crimes are solved he loves his time with her and his wife, Sheila, at home.

short stores by Canadian author Mike Martin

I prefer to read the books in order of publication, though each book can be read as a stand alone one. But, after you have read one you will want to go back and read the series from the beginning. You won’t be disappointed.

Sgt Windflower mystery series by Mike Martin

Sgt. Windflower Books:

  1. The Body on the T
  2. The Walker on the Cape
  3. Beneath the Surface
  4. A Twist of Fortune
  5. A Long Ways from Home
  6. A Tangled Web
  7. Darkest Before Dawn
  8. Fire Fog and Water
  9. A Perfect Storm
  10. Safe Harbour
  11. Buried Secrets
  12. Dangerous Waters
  13. All That Glitters
  14. Better Safe Than Sorry

This is a series I love and recommend to everyone to read.

book reviews at

More book reviews.

Time to join Stacking the Shelves, Book Beginnings, Friday 56

5 Responses

  1. Myrtle

    Good to be back up on my laptop. These books would be right up my alley Linda

    • Crafty Gardener

      Glad you are back Myrt, hope the laptop issues are all sorted out. I love these books, too bad we don’t live closer so you could borrow mine.

  2. Margy

    I discovered this series here on your blog and now you’ve let me know there’s a new title. Thanks. – Margy

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