Books: A Tangled Web

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Recently I finished the latest Mike Martin book, A Tangled Web, which was the 6th in the Sgt Windflower mystery series.   Mike is a Canadian author, born in Newfoundland and now living in Ottawa.  Sgt. Winston Windflower, a Cree from northern Alberta, is an RCMP officer stationed in Grand Bank, Newfoundland.

Before starting A Tangled Web I re-read the first 5 books to reacquaint me with the story, characters and location. It feels like getting reacquainted with good friends.  I have thoroughly enjoyed this series and would highly recommend it to you.

A Tangled Web y Mike Martin

At the end of the last book Winston married Sheila and this book continues on with their life in Grand Bank.  The story starts out with a little girl going missing.  She was a curious little girl and ended up exploring inside a transport truck, which closed up and started its journey without realizing it had precious cargo inside.  The RCMP are called in to investigate the disappearance.  Things quickly turn worse … a murder, missing funds, a corrupt local official, the shooting of an officer and a bit more and Windflower sets out to unravel the tangled web.  He also starts to evaluate his life as an RCMP officer as it gets closer to the birth of his first child.

An indication of the future for Winston and Sheila is presented when the local B&B is up for sale.  Both Winston and Sheila love to cook and enjoy food and I love reading about the meals, especially the traditional Newfoundland ones.

Good friends, good food, and a good family help to have a good ending.  I’m already looking forward to the next book, when the baby arrives and we find out if the new business venture is a success.

The Sgt. Windflower mystery series by Mike Martin

I love reading books set in Canada by Canadians and this is one series I highly recommend to you.  You can read about the Sgt. Windflower Mysteries on Mike’s site or visit his Facebook page for the latest happenings.  You can also read my reviews of the Sgt. Windflower series.  I’m glad to have the series on my own bookshelf, knowing I can pick them up to read anytime I want to connect to Windflower, his friends, his family and Newfoundland.


Mike did a guest post for me awhile ago and you can read it here.  

Other book reviews:

Sgt Windflower mystery series by Mike Martin

Sgt. Windflower Books:

  1. The Body on the T
  2. The Walker on the Cape
  3. Beneath the Surface
  4. A Twist of Fortune
  5. A Long Ways from Home
  6. A Tangled Web
  7. Darkest Before Dawn
  8. Fire Fog and Water
  9. A Perfect Storm
  10. Safe Harbour
  11. Buried Secrets
  12. Dangerous Waters
  13. All That Glitters
  14. Better Safe Than Sorry



13 Responses

  1. Myrtle

    Those books would be the type i would enjoy Linda and after the house is ready to move into, me in my small apartment I will be ready to change my reading material.

  2. Margy

    Based on your reviews I read two of his books. Looks like I should look into some more. – Margy

    • Linda aka Crafty Gardener

      It’s a great series Margy. I have the Walker on the Cape in digital, for Kindle, if you haven’t read that one yet. I can send it to you.

      • Margy

        Thanks for the generous offer, but I already have that one in Kindle. I just purchased “A Tangled Web” but haven’t had a chance to start reading it. I’m working on Chris Czajkowski’s “Harry ” right now, plus doing some canning with the end of my garden produce. It’s been raining a lot and our lake is finally coming back up. The crisis of low water levels is over at least for now. – Margy

  3. Susan J Stone

    I would love to read these books. Love the north eastern part of Canada!

  4. Lorrie

    This is a Canadian author who is new to me! I’ll be checking out Mike Martin’s books soon.

  5. Margie

    It’s always nice to learn about Canadian authors. I’ll have to see if my local library carries this mystery series. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Mike Martin

    Thank you to Linda for hosting Sgt. Windflower and A Tangled Web today.
    Hope everybody enjoys the story.

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