Friendship Tea

posted in: Craf-tea, Plastic Canvas | 9

Crafty is being craf-tea. It’s time to think of little gifts, ones that tuck inside a greeting card. After all it isn’t that far to Christmas.

Don’t let the world of computers and the internet take away the pleasure of receiving a hand written note or card. Don’t get me wrong, virtual cards are lovely and always arrive in our inboxes on time. But don’t you just love getting a card, whether hand made or purchased, in your mailbox.   If you are sending off a card for a birthday, a special holiday, a get well note, or just a note to say hi, why not include a little craft-tea project inside … a cup of friendship tea.

stitch a mug of tea at

Make up these cups/mugs, tuck a tea bag inside, and enclose it with a card. There are some poems that you can tie to the handle of the cup/mug. Just print them off, trim and tie with a piece of ribbon to the handle.

stitch a mug of tea at

 Cut 2 mug shapes from 7 count plastic canvas. Stitch with any colour and design you want to. These are great little projects to use up odd bits of pc and yarn from your stash.  Join both pieces together around all sides except the top. Stitch each top separately. this will leave an opening to tuck the tea bag or a single serving package of coffee or hot chocolate inside.  You could even tuck a gift certificate from a tea shop inside. Or how about adding an invitation to tea at your house or the local tea shop in town.  

stitch a mug of tea at

What a lovely surprise the recipient of the card will get when they open the envelope and receive your message

friendship tea poem at
friendship tea poem at

Tea Sayings:

  • Once the package of friendship has been opened, it can never be closed. It is a constant book always written, and enjoyed. … unknown source
  • Women are like teabags.  They don’t know their strength until they are in hot water … Eleanor Roosevelt
  • “Rainy days should be spent at home with a cup of tea and a good book … Bill Watterson
  • Drinking a daily cup of tea will surely starve the apothecary … Chinese Proverb
  • Tea is the magic key to the vault where my brain is kept …Frances Hardinge
  • Come, let us have some tea and continue to talk about happy things. … unknown source
  • But indeed I would rather have nothing but tea. – Jane Austen
teacup line

Crafty is craf-tea

9 Responses

  1. Margy

    I need to think of something I can give back to a friend in the four jam jars she gave me last Christmas (full of jam of course). We normally don’t exchange gifts but want to return her jars, and empty doesn’t seem right. I didn’t do canning this year so that isn’t an option. Do you have any ideas? – Margy

    • Crafty Gardener

      You would have no trouble making one of these Diane, or a similar one, with your sewing skills you could stitch one in no time. Thanks for stopping by. Hope you are having lovely weather for your hikes.

  2. Myrtle

    That is a lovely thing to do, even I might be able to make .
    Enjoy this cool but sunny day, I hope you have the same.

  3. Margie

    Love this! I’ve always enjoyed sending handwritten cards or letters in the mail. And it always makes my day when I receive a piece of snail mail that’s not junkmail!

  4. Teresa

    So cute, such a great little gift!
    Thank you for sharing at The Really Crafty Link Party. Pinned.

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