The Fishtail Lace Scarf, was a free pattern from Knit Picks when I got it, was knit in my favourite colour green.

The alpaca yarn comes in a skein, and was wound into a ball on a ball winder thanks to my daughter and grandson. It is so much easier working with a center pull ball of yarn then the original skein it came in.

I’m using some gorgeous soft Alpaca yarn that was spun right at the farm and even labelled with the names of the alpacas … well the first 2 letters of each alpaca. This one was called MaJuJu, unfortunately I don’t remember the full names of the alpacas.

I used 4 mm circular bamboo needles to knit this easy lace pattern which has 8 rows that keep repeating … and the even numbered rows are all purl rows, so really just 4 rows of patterning to deal with. I did start a different pattern with this yarn, more a small shawl, but after about being a quarter done decided I didn’t like the way it was turning out so switched to this more traditional long scarf pattern.

I made a case for all my circular needles awhile ago that measures 51 cm x 35 cm approximately (about 20 x 14 inches). I has 3 rows of 4 pockets to hold the various sized needles. It folds in half and then in half again for flat storage inside the craft closet.
~needle & hook accessories~
- circular needle hook case
- crochet hook case
- sewing needle cases
- felt mini sewing needle case
- knitting needle case
- row counters
- stitch markers

It is a bit weird to be knitting scarves while we are in the midst of a heatwave this August. But scarf weather will be here before we know it and it is good to be prepared.

~Shawls and scarves I’ve made~
- April scarf
- close to you shawlette, browns
- Close to you shawlette, greens
- cowls
- crest of the wave scarf
- fishtail lace scarf
- granny stripe shawl
- knitted neck warmer
- lacy scarf
- lean on me
- life way shawl
- lost souls shawl
- mobius scarf
- multnomah shawl
- one row scarf
- one stitch lace scarf
- sewn neck scarf
- shoulder snuggle
- stacked squares scarf
- summer flies – green
- summer flies – white
- virus shawl

I love the colour of that yarn and the story behind it, the scarf is beautiful you can see how soft and squishy it is, thanks for the pattern link these would make great Christmas gifts. That’s a good idea for storing your circular needles, I have mine stored in a shoe box your method takes up much less space. Have a great weekend.xx
Crafty Gardener
The scarf knits up fairly quickly too. The yarn is so soft, too bad it is so hot out that I can’t wear it. Have a good weekend.
Jennifer A. Jilks
This is beautiful yarn! I can just feel it. Great photos.
Crafty Gardener
The yarn is so soft, too bad it is so hot that I can’t wear it now. Have a great weekend.
Myrtle Thomas
Green is my favourite colour, Linda. That yarn must be great to knit with. That was so nice your daughter and grandson. I also checked out your site index, very interesting to the sites I went into. Hope you are enjoying this day as back we go into hot, humid weather and just maybe we here will get some rain, too bad it has to be on the weekend
Crafty Gardener
Green is my favourite colour too Myrt. I had to edit your email as it was in wrong, so hope this reply gets to you. It was lovely to wake up to a bit of a breeze and hardly any humidity. Hope it continues.
Beautiful scarf, Linda! I love the color of it too!!Thanks so much for stopping by again!!
I chuckled when you mentioned that you have to visit a few times to take in all I post…About 3 months ago, I cut back to 2 posts a week from 3 because 3 times a week was just too much for me so I guess I jam pack everything into those 2 posts!! LOL! Stay safe, healthy and happy!
Crafty Gardener
The scarf is so soft Debbie, can’t wait for cooler weather to wear it. Hope you are having a lovely Sunday.