Scarves: Cowls

posted in: Knitting | 3

I’m always chilly and have scarves galore, both knitted, crocheted, chiffon, and soft material ones to wear with different outfits.

Here are a couple of cowls I’ve knitted. A cowl is a shorter version of an infinity scarf. You can knit them in the round or join the ends when you are finished knitting.

knitting the Miski cowl at

Infinity scarves can be long and even longer but cowls are more of a neck warmer to wear under your coat or just to keep you warm. A cowl can also be knit wide enough to make a hood.

knitting the Miski cowl at

This was a lovely pattern to knit. The yarn for this pattern came from the yarn store in Sooke, BC. I chose to join the ends when finished. Ravelry is a fantastic place to find patterns.

knitting the Miski cowl at

It just pops over your head when you are ready to wear it.

a cowl pattern using Noro yarn at

This cowl was knit with some Noro yarn purchased from the Beehive Wool store in Victoria, British Columbia. It also included the free pattern and was a quick and simple knit. I love visiting this yarn store and it is always at the top of my list when we visit and shop in downtown Victoria. Can’t wait to go back.

knitted scarves at

It was knit on 5.5 mm circular needles, joined to work in the round. The pattern description is here on Ravelry. You can find lots of other cowl patterns there as well.

As the colder weather approaches, are you ready to get your scarf on?

a yarn line

~Shawls and scarves I’ve made~

3 Responses

  1. Myrtle Thomas

    I really lie the pattern of the gray on Linda. I know where to look should I want to start a scarf. Have a good evening.

  2. Karen Kristine Hansen

    jeg vil gerne strikke halsvarmeren men der bliver brugt nogle bogstaver som jeg ikke kan finde ud af (k14 p14) især p giver mig problemer
    hilsen Karen Hansen

    edit to add translate: I want to knit the neck warmer but some letters are used that I can’t figure out (k14 p14) especially p gives me problems

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