Everyone loves some jewelry to brighten up the day, so why not have some jewelry for your knitting and crochet.
Stitch markers can be an important little tool when following along in a pattern. They are used to mark a place on your knitting row where something different is about to happen … maybe an increase, maybe a decrease, maybe the start of a different stitch or the start of a pattern repeat.

Knitting stitch markers slip onto your needle while crochet stitch markers hook onto a stitch. For the above stitch markers I used 26 gauge wire and some split rings and beads from my stash.
I took a piece of wire (length depends on how long you want the markers to be), slip on the end bead so it is in the center of the wire. Fold the wire around the bead and twist tight. Then I added the little silver beads, a bigger middle bead, a little silver bead and a small bead. Then twist the wire (both strands) around the split ring and snip off close to the ring. Be sure any ends are fastened in as you don’t want them catching on the yarn. I’ve got some small jewelry tools that are just the perfect size.

Some other stitch markers were made by using charms, from dollar stores and craft stores. You need to be careful that the charms don’t have too many bits that poke out else they will get caught on the yarn.
While knitting the white mobius scarf I needed 10 stitch markers.

With a few knitting projects going on at once you can never have too many stitch markers.
I made some teapot and teacup stitch markers for a knitter on my Christmas list. And of course I made a set for me. These used two sizes of jump rings and were easily put together.

I had seen crochet stitch markers made using the shepherd hook (used for ear rings) but I didn’t like the way they wiggled easily out of the crochet project. Using lobster clasps means the marker fastens easily to your project and won’t slip off when you turn the work or put the project down while you take a break.

Why don’t you make some for yourself? They make the perfect gift for the person who loves to knit and/or crochet.

The Crafty Side dabbles in: knit & crochet, sewing & plastic canvas, Crafty’s projects, craf-tea ideas, kids crafts, rock crafts, Christmas Ideas