I’ve had a few projects on the go, and the going has been slow. About 4 years ago I had cataract surgery and what an improvement it made. But recently over the past several months I have been getting cloudy vision. This occurs when part of the lens covering gets cloudy and effects your vision.

After a visit to the optometrist for my annual check up, he told me what the cloudiness was, and not the dry eye syndrome I though it was (was treated for that last year). A referral was made to the eye surgeon and he confirmed that laser surgery would be needed. This is a quick, simple procedure to break away the cloudy part of the covering.
I had this done just recently on my left eye and what a difference it made right away.

Up until then knitting and crochet had been done in small chunks as reading the patterns was getting hard.

Now I’m making good progress on the scarf pattern. The yarn is wonderful and soft, Colour Select Indus Valley in shades of mauve and teal. This was a free pattern from The Robbins Nest on the South Eastern Ontario yarn crawl. It was only a 2 row pattern, easily remembered after a few rows. I usually knit watching tv in the evenings but the light made it very hard.
But not anymore!
The other pattern I had on the go was the mystery pattern from the yarn crawl. It was much more complicated for me to read, so the progress was very slow. But I was determined to finish it now that I can see so much better.

There were 5 parts to this pattern and I actually worked on part 1 while in British Columbia last April. It’s now July and finally completed. But I knew by the time I got to part 4 it wasn’t turning out how I expected. Perhaps because I used one skein of yarn instead of different colours for each part, perhaps because I made some mistakes in the first couple of parts due to poor vision. But I just didn’t like it. It turned out too small for me, would fit my granddaughter better. So guess what … ripit, ripit, ripit, … that famous frog stitch! But at least I was determined and finished it instead of giving up part way through.

Another pattern that was started and abandoned is a Noro cowl with yarn purchased at the Bee Hive Wool Store in Victoria, BC last April. I’ll be working on this one too.
I did finish the Lost Skulls shawl, but can’t show you because it is a gift for someone and they just might be looking at my website. You just never know. Photos later after it has been gifted.

This is the project bag I made for the yarn crawl to hold one of my projects when I travel around. I recently took it to the cottage and worked on my scarf.
I’m now scheduled for the right eye to be done snd then watch out, my vision will be amazing, I’d really be interested in knowing if any of you have had this type of laser treatment and did it help you.
I keep track of my projects on Ravelry. Are you a member there?

~Shawls and scarves I’ve made~
- April scarf
- close to you shawlette, browns
- Close to you shawlette, greens
- cowls
- crest of the wave scarf
- fishtail lace scarf
- granny stripe shawl
- knitted neck warmer
- lacy scarf
- lean on me
- life way shawl
- lost souls shawl
- mobius scarf
- multnomah shawl
- one row scarf
- one stitch lace scarf
- sewn neck scarf
- shoulder snuggle
- stacked squares scarf
- summer flies – green
- summer flies – white
- virus shawl
Nicola Newington
Hi Linda. I’m glad you’re seeing better. I’ve never had any surgery on my eyes but my ophthalmologist is keeping an eye (haha) on my retinal issues. I don’t like the thought of eye surgery but it is amazing what they can do. My ear surgeon fixed my hearing, so I am happy!
My crochet and knitting doesn’t slow down in the summer. I just prefer projects that don’t fill my lap with yarn!
Have a great day,
Crafty Gardener
Eye surgery sounds like it will be awful, but I’ve had 2 cataract surgeries and one laser surgery now and they were fantastic. I’ll be glad to get the right eye done as well. I don’t usually slow done with crochet and knitting over the summer either, but this year has been a bit different. I’ve got a stash of yarn from the spring yarn crawl I did so can’t wait to get started on all the projects. And now they are already talking of a fall yarn crawl. What’s a girl to do but buy more yarn and knit and crochet faster 🙂
Glad your your eye laser surgery went well and good now and you are back at you knitting & crocheting. You knit and crochet items. some great. Stay cool over the weekend.
Crafty Gardener
Thanks Myrt, now I wait for the right eye to be done, hopefully not a long wait.
It’s great that they can do laser treatments rather than another surgery. Wayne had cataract surgery many years ago and the same follow-up you did. Glad you can get back to the crafts you enjoy so much. – Margy
Crafty Gardener
I’ll be all ready for the cooler weather now that I can read, knit and crochet that much better. It is good to hear of someone else who had the same procedures. Have a great day.
Jenn Jilks
I am getting my cataracts done in the fall. They have much such progress in this area.
Hi Linda…
You have been busy! I have 3 different blankets on the go, and just finished a lovely soft cowl!
Never too early to get to work for Christmas!
Enjoy your week…
Linda :o)