What’s in the Garden? – C

posted in: Alphabetical Gardening | 14

The alphabetical garden tour this week shares wha’s in the garden starting with C – birds, plants, whimsy and more.

My favourite bird has to be the cardinals that visit all year round.  This link will take you to lots more cardinal photos.

cardinals at craftygardener.ca

Lots more birds that start with C visit the garden … crows, cowbirds, cedar waxwings.

And then there are those adorable little chickadees that flit in and out and really are people friendly.  They cheer up the garden in winter.

chickadees at craftygardener.ca

There are lots of lovely plants beginning with c … coreopsis, cosmos, clematis, calendula, celosia, coneflowers, coral bells, creeping jenny, coleus and probably more.

plants beginning with C

I’ve done a lot of crafting with old CD’s

creating whimsy for the garden with old CDs at craftygardener.ca
old CD projects

Chimes are lovely to hear in the garden and each one makes its own sound. Here are some that I’ve made.

chimes at craftygardener.ca

I’m still adding to my personal alphabet with the letter C for this week.

C – crafter, Canadian by choice, cat lover, cheerful,

I found this door handle that resembled a letter C on our travels.

the letter C found by craftygardener.ca
the gardener side at craftygardener.ca

Alphabetical posts A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

My series on Alphabetical gardening

My personal alphabet.

14 Responses

  1. ABC Wednesday

    Wonderful things to fill a garden with… enjoy

    Have a heartwarming en splendid ABC-Wednes-day / -week
    M e l o d y (team ABC-W)

  2. myrtle

    You have a great collection of plants etc starting with C. I love the CD collection, love the black one the most.

  3. Su-sieee! Mac

    I’m going to check out your CD links, thank you. I’ve been wanting to make some kind of mock stained glass something but hesitate about playing with glue — it gets all over me. I made chimes with aluminum wrenches which surprised me with their pleasant sound

    • Crafty Gardener

      I really had fun making the stained glass cds, easy to do. Hope you get the opportunity to make some. Thanks for stopping by.

  4. Suzy

    Love your CD crafts. What a great idea.
    dropping by from the ABCWed linkup.

  5. Margy

    What a good way to do ABC Wednesday. Sometimes I scratch my head trying to think of something that goes with a particular letter. Your chimes are lovely and I bet they make soothing sounds. – Margy

    • Crafty Gardener

      I run out of ideas too. I’ve been amalgamating and updating some old posts and combining them into one and came up with this idea for ABC Wednesday.

  6. Jennifer Jilks

    I need a garden intervention! I noticed that most of my plants are violet, with some white phlox! I thought of you and your variety.

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