Re-reading a Favourite Series

posted in: Books | 12

I am starting to re-read a favourite series of mine by Mike Martin. I’ve been enjoying the Sgt Windflowers books since they first came out.

The Sgt. Windflower series by Canadian author Mike Martin

This series is set in Newfoundland RCMP officer stationed in Grand Bank. I really enjoy a story that gets you hooked right at the beginning .. and this one does just that.  Visual descriptions of locations give you an feel for Newfoundland.

the bookshelf at

I’ve finished all the library books I have signed out and since libraries are closed have been borrowing ebooks to keep me going. I’ve also been doing a lot of cleaning and the set of bookshelves was one of the jobs. While taking down books to dust I decided to restart this series. Reading an ebook on my iPad is okay, but I love the feel of an actual book in my hands.

Sgt Windflower mystery series by Mike Martin

Sgt. Windflower Books:

  1. The Body on the T
  2. The Walker on the Cape
  3. Beneath the Surface
  4. A Twist of Fortune
  5. A Long Ways from Home
  6. A Tangled Web
  7. Darkest Before Dawn
  8. Fire Fog and Water
  9. A Perfect Storm
  10. Safe Harbour
  11. Buried Secrets
  12. Dangerous Waters
  13. All That Glitters
  14. Better Safe Than Sorry

Above is the list of books by Mike that I’ve reviewed and I can’t wait to get started again and get reacquainted with the characters in these books.

The Walker on the Cape by Mike Martin

The first one is off the shelf, The Walker on the Cape, and ready for my afternoon reading times. I love the lighthouse on the cover and had to photograph it with a sand lighthouse that was purchased many years ago from the south coast of England and filled with coloured sand. I love lighthouses and have lots of display in the house and in the garden.

During this period of social distancing we have set aside a time each day to read. It is important to have a routine. I exercise each morning, walk around the garden, have some computer time, do jig saw puzzles, paint rocks, craft, and knit. What is your routine?

What are you reading at the moment?

12 Responses

  1. Margy

    I really enjoy his books. I’m behind on the last one and I think I read on Facebook that a new one is in the works. I can’t focus on reading for some reason. Hopefully I can get back to it. I even missed the book review post for sharing today. The main page was what with green lettering with link titles to reach your posts. No images. Must be tough changing things themes. – Margy

    • Crafty Gardener

      I read about a new book in the works as well, can’t wait till it is out, but probably won’t be till towards the end of the year. I’ll check the images etc Margy, thanks for letting me know. I’ll also check the font colour. I can see things one way but others see things differently.

    • Crafty Gardener

      Margy, I did a few changes, the colour of post titles and the colour of links, so hope that helps. As for images I have no idea, could be a server issue or an internet provider issue, so I’m still checking into that.

  2. Lorrie

    Your blog looks good to me. I really need to do something with mine. I changed it a few months ago and it looks wretched.
    I’ve heard of the Sgt. Windflower books, but have not read any of them. I will look to see if they are available online through my library. I’m busy these days trying to figure out online learning!
    Oh, I recently read D.E. Stevenson’s Sarah Morris Remembers, about life during WWII and found it very satisfying.
    Stay well. We were on Whiffin Spit last weekend, and I thought of you.

    • Crafty Gardener

      It was a year ago we spent April in BC, not so sure that will happen this year. Yes, we love walking Whiffen Spit, got some lovely photos of water birds from there. I must say I’m glad I’m retired and don’t have to go through everything teachers are going through these days. Thanks for letting me know that things look fine on my website. Take care.

  3. Diana Studer

    I have exhausted my pile of library books – may read some again.
    Now exploring my own bookshelves. Once the library is open to us again, I shall sort out another pile for the animal shelter shop – they desperately feel that loss of income.

    • Crafty Gardener

      I’m using the Libby app for our library, can sign out favourite books in e-format. I’ve just finished a favourite series. Do you have anything similar for your library?

    • Crafty Gardener

      Today is finally a nice day, so been walking the garden and taking photos for my next garden update. Pleased to see some trillium that I moved last year have poked through the ground. Thanks for visiting today.

      • Diana Studer

        I prefer to read books, as books.
        But e-reading on my laptop I use for blogs and websites and that news.

        • Crafty Gardener

          I prefer to hold a book when I’m reading too, but in these circumstances when libraries are closed it is a good substitute.

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