Embroidery: Stitch Book

posted in: Crochet, Embroidery | 18

The weather has been lovely for the beginning of November so I’ve been taking advantage of the weather and spending more time outside when possible as soon the weather will change and I’ll only be viewing the outside through the windows. Stitching has been done in between.

making a small felt needle case at craftygardener.ca

I added a border of chain stitches to the mini needle case and put some pins and needles inside. It fits perfectly in one compartment of the floss container. Now the container has all I need to work on my embroidery at home on or the go – a mini needle case, a needle minder, scissors, thread cutter, bits & pieces of threads, and a selection of coloured embroidery threads. I still haven’t decided if I will add stitching to the back cover. But I did cut out felt to make another one.

Page 4 of the stitch book is nearing completion. I had used iron on transfers for this page and wasn’t totally satisfied with how they ironed on.

stitch doodling at craftygardener.ca

But some creative stitching covered up the bits I wasn’t happy with. Just a few stitches to add to finish this page off. The top center stamped image was the one I was not happy with, it became the yellow flower.

stitch doodling at craftygardener.ca

This is almost finished page 4 and I’m much happier with the results. The lines that make the rectangles around the flowers were in removable ink so I ironed those away too.

stitch doodling at craftygardener.ca

Page 8 also saw some more finishing touches added. Just a couple more sections of this page before it is complete.

the afghan kit at craftygardener.ca

And with the cooler evenings I once again worked on the afghan kit, completing a multi coloured section and starting on the next grey section. I have a feeling I’ll be working on this afghan more next week as the temperatures are dropping and they even dared to mention wet snow in the forecast!

Now that I’ve got the post finished I realized I got more stitching done than I thought I had. I hope you made progress with you stitching or sewing this week.

sewing line

I get lots of inspiration from other stitchers at Slow Sunday Stitching and appreciate all the visits and comments from there. Visit them and gather some inspiration for yourself.

~needle & hook accessories~

~embroidery thread projects~

18 Responses

  1. Karla (threadbndr)

    I love your set up. Those mini bobbin boxes are fantastic for working ‘on the go’ projects. I currently have mine set up for English Paper piecing. Your little needlebook is darling.

    And good save on the mis-printed block. The final version looks great. What an interesting project.

    • Crafty Gardener

      Thanks Kari, I am pleased how the yellow flower turned out, hiding all the fuzzy bits of the iron on transfer. Happy Stitching.

  2. Quilter Kathy

    We had snow overnight so it’s perfect slow stitching weather.
    Such a pretty needlebook for your handwork kit.
    Great job on the flowers!

    • Crafty Gardener

      Hoping the snow didn’t stick around, seems early in our part of the province. Wet snow in the forecast for next week for our area though. Oh well, I get more stitching done on snowy days. 🙂

  3. Jenny Benton

    Your embroidered flowers are so lovely, this is looking so nice. I always admire those who can crochet, something I’ve never been able go pick up.

  4. KIm

    Just look at all those rainbow-filled colours stitched into pretty flowers; so lovely. The afghan is going to be gorgeous. All those soft shades meld perfectly together and the varying patterns; just beautiful.

  5. CathieJ

    All of your embroidery is very pretty. I really like that crocheted afghan also.

  6. Melisa-Pinker n Punkin Quilting

    Your needle book is so pretty and your embroidery so exquisite, Linda. I love seeing all of the specialty stitches. Your afghan looks so warm and cozy. Beautiful shades of blue. Have a very lovely week.

  7. Debbie- Dabble

    I am totally amazed at your stitchery!! Just beautiful!!
    We had unseasonably warm weather, even breaking a record high of 71 degrees one day but now, we are expecting snow with low temps. in the 20’s!! I think Winter has finally come to NEPA!! Thanks so much for stopping by!!

    • Crafty Gardener

      Our warm weather has come to an end too Debbie. It was really cold this morning, -8 Celsius and snow is predicted tonight into tomorrow. Have a wonderful day.

  8. Patricia in New Mexico

    How lovely to have snow! Our low temperatures invite snow, but our daytime temps would melt it away. Such a beautiful snowflake teacup pattern! Your designer’s eye served you well, those are great changes. I just put it in my cart! Your embroidery stitch book looks like something I’d make after I finish my Bee Humble SAL. Thank you for sharing!

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