Over the winter months I’ve been having fun stitching little felt birds. It all started with a monthly challenge at Creative Cain Cabin and Mockingbird Hill with their felt critters. It was fun to use felt and embroidery thread and stitch these critters so I started looking for other patterns.
I found a great site called Bugs and Fishes and 2 cute patterns for blackbirds. The male blackbird has sequins on his wing and some top stitching but it is very hard to see in the photo.

Then I found Susan’s Down East Thunder Farm and her amazing collection of bird patterns. I’ve been making all sorts of cute felt birds from that site, and I’ve got lots more planned to make.

Once I downloaded the patterns, I cut out pieces from felt and stored them in a small baggie. Then when I watched a tv show and wanted to keep my fingers busy I chose one of the little birds to stitch.

My collection is growing.

I displayed them on a nature tree in the front hall.

I’ve got an idea for displaying them outside in the gazebo in the nicer weather. That nice weather is coming isn’t it?

~embroidery thread projects~