Embroidery: Quaran’tea’n Sewing

I started my sew inspired quaran’tea’n project as a way of giving myself one little task each day, which became part of my daily routine. Did you have a special project you worked on during this time?

sew a little happiness project at craftygardener.ca
sew inspired wall hanging

I say quaran’tea’n (love the play on words) as I also drank lots of tea, in fact used up all my extra stock of tea, except for my favourite peppermint tea as there is always a large supply of that. But you know all those odds and ends of tea and tea bags that just seem to sit around in the cupboard or tea chest, well they got drank!

sew a little happiness project at craftygardener.ca
always time for tea

Lots of little sections were related to my love of gardening …

sew a little happiness project at craftygardener.ca

and lots were related to my love of crafting.

sew a little happiness project at craftygardener.ca

I did’t start my project right at the beginning of the stay at home time but did record the date of March 15, 2020 when that advice was given by the government and top doctors, so some days I stitched more than one square so I could catch up. But after 57 days had gone by I was all finished. We aren’t out of the woods yet, as they say, but we are making slow progress.

sew a little happiness project at craftygardener.ca
words of encouragement

Now it hangs on my dabbling room wall so I can look at it each time I walk into the room to see if it needs any additions or embellishments.

sew a little happiness project at craftygardener.ca
the tidy end of my dabbling room

My sewing project had been divided into 57 sections, and I sewed a different little picture for each section. The grid around each bit of sewing was to represent the social distancing we were to practice.

sew a little happiness project at craftygardener.ca

Just like the lighthouse guided sailors and boaters to safety, hopefully it will guide us too. It is a reminder that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

sew a little happiness project at craftygardener.ca

The province of Ontario is slowly opening up and now it is up to the people to remember to stay safe. We still won’t be venturing out far, just for the necessities and hopefully to spend time with family soon.

sew a little happiness project at craftygardener.ca

We are all part of Team Canada and I hope you have been doing your part to get us through this pandemic.

sew a little happiness project at craftygardener.ca

Thank you front line and essential workers for all you are doing.

sewing line

~embroidery thread projects~

11 Responses

  1. Vondean Erickson

    Hi Linda,
    What a beautiful wall hanging. You will enjoy it for years to come.
    Thanks so much for sharing it. I too like tea and the peppermint is so soothing. My niece who is on her send time of Chemo told me she drinks a lot of it as helps her stomach so much. My son gets my groceries and told me the tea shelves out here get very bare at times. I have a lot of tea so told him not to worry.

  2. Lorrie

    Your stitches tell the story of your time with Covid-19 with eloquence. A piece to treasure and remember. I hope that the opening in ON will be successful. We didn’t close down nearly as tightly out here. Go Team Canada!

    • Crafty Gardener

      I just love it Lorrie, and am a bit sorry that it is all finished now as it was a good part of my daily routine. Perhaps I’ll have to start something else. Enjoy the lovely weather you are having, even the rain.

  3. Linda Solaiman

    How clever, I wish I had thought of doing something like that, each and every piece is so very special I love it. I think my mosaic crochet blankets are my reminder of this time, working on them is keeping me sane. Stay safe. xx

    • Crafty Gardener

      Hi Linda, it is never too late to start. But it sounds like your mosaic blankets are a lovely reminder too. Thanks for stopping by. Have a good day.

  4. Myrtle

    I am still being amazed with your one day a a time wall hanging Linda, great job done!

  5. linda keaveney

    Hi Linda…
    Love your stitchery…I have lots of embroidery thread,but unfortunately no small scraps of fabric!!
    Cleaned everything out a few years ago…who knew??
    Anyway…yours is lovely…i did crochet a Covid blanket…turned out rather nicely!!
    We are like you…not going out…being good…cant go to the cottage…received a letter that if we stay, $5000/day fine!!!
    I am a bit peeved with Doug Ford…”do as I say…not as I do”…hoping to see my girls on Wednesday,for a backyard social distancing visit…
    Take care Linda…
    Linda :o)

    • Crafty Gardener

      I didn’t have any material either, but found an old table cloth to cut up and reuse. We are really ticked at Ford too, first his cottage visit and now a family visit. We had a social distance visit with kids on the weekend, if we had known we would of had them inside where it was warmer. Seems the rules are for the everyday person but not for politicians. Hope things are going well with you.

  6. Margie

    Of course, my favourite part of your sewing project is the cute teacup!

    Well done on using up your tea stash. I have enough tea to last me for at least a year. I have a habit of only drinking 4-5 types of teas at a time and will only open a new tea in my collection after I finish one.

  7. Margy

    That is such a great idea. I am currently at a loss of things to do and look forward to. I have all my watercolour supplies laid out and a picture of the cabin chosen but can’t seen to so anything yet. This reminds me of a beading project a friend here in Powell River does. She takes long summer RV trips throughout Canada and for each destination beads a new image that is later sewn onto a vest or other wearable. – Margy


    Your stitching is so adorable. Just fresh and lovely, light and bright. I applaud you.
    Blessings from Harvest Lane Cottage,
    Missouri, USA
    Laura Lane

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