Stitching: Embroidered Pillow Cases

posted in: Crafty's Projects, Stitching | 7

I really enjoyed stitching 3 sets of embroidered pillow cases this winter. Embroidery is a skill I learned many years ago but it seemed to fall by the wayside. Two of the sets I added an iron-on pattern and one set I purchased ready stamped.

The iron on patterns were quite old, must be at least 20 years old, but worked well. You can still buy Aunt Martha’s patterns online at various places. I remember buying pre stamped pieces (doilies, runners, pillow cases) at the five & dime store. Oh-h-h-h that goes back a long way.

iron on embroidery patterns at

These pillow cases have an embroidered bow iron on pattern on them.

Another set of pillow cases had a flower pattern ironed on and then stitched.

embroidered pillow cases at

I purchased a set of pre-stamped pillow cases with a dream catcher pattern on them plus a package of embroidery thread in the colours needed.

These are for the grandkids when they come to visit in late spring this year.

embroidered pillow cases at

These are all done in shades of browns and beige, each pillow case different except for the colour of the hoop.

embroidered pillow cases at

I also added their names to each one so they can take them home as a remembrance of their trip to Ontario from British Columbia.

embroidered pillow cases at

I have also purchased two dream catcher kits so that they can each make their own dream catcher to hang over their beds for here and at home.

Do you ever do embroidery anymore?

sewing line

~embroidery thread projects~

7 Responses

  1. Tammy S Asad

    Really lovely! I especially love the dreamcatcher design. Will surely make a nice gift for the grandkids.

  2. Linda

    Fabulous! love them all, I have never tried an iron on design before but you have just reminded me I’m sure I have one that I got from a magazine, I’ll have to look it out. I’m completely obsessed with embroidery at the moment, I could just sit and sew all day. Have a lovely Easter weekend. x

  3. Vondean Erickson

    I again wanted to tell you that your projects and recipes bring back so many memories for me. I too like to embroidery and when growing up that is what my sisters and I did also read many books. No computers, Tv’s and cell phones. I am so glad our mother taught us how to do so many things. We embroider so many dish towels my mother cut the patterns out of the paper and ironed them on for us. I think I have some of the patterns I bought in the store before I moved out here. I had a neighbor man who was homebound and he embroidery quilt blocks and made beautiful quilts. When I moved out here I gave him so much of my embroidery thread and patterns. He never stopped thanking me for them. He has now passed away.

    Again I look forward to your website.
    Take care and have a nice Easter.

  4. Debbie-Dabble

    So pretty!! I used to do this type of embroidery as a kid and then later on when first married..When i had my knee replacement surgery, I finished a few projects that I started over 35 years ago!!! LOL!! Thanks so much for stopping by!! Hope you had a great Easter!!

  5. Angie

    Linda – another link to Mosaic Monday! Thank you! I adore Aunt Martha’s patterns – the last one I did was a set of tea towels with a Monday – Sunday pattern (for example, Friday Cook) that was inspired by a set that my Mom had!

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