Steller Jays

posted in: Birds, British Columbia | 0

We were fasciated to see many different varieties of birds on our trip to British Columbia in November 2011. The Steller Jay was a new sighting for us, as we don’t get them here in Ontario.  Stellar jays are native … Continued

Around the Rosy

posted in: Crochet | 0

I’ve been working on this baby blanket for a little while now.  It was finished a couple of weeks ago and I’ve finally taken some photos of it to share with you.   This pattern is called Around the Rosy … Continued

The Bluejays

posted in: Birds | 0

The bluejays are year round visitors to our garden feeders.  They mainly feeds on nuts and seeds, and it prefers peanuts in our garden.  We have a couple of feeders set up just for the jays.  One is the mailbox … Continued

A Splash of Red

posted in: Birds | 0

On the dull and dreary winter days it is wonderful to look out the window and see a brilliant splash of red from the cardinal as it visits the garden.


posted in: Birds | 0

The common European starling can be quite the pest in the garden, especially when they arrive in large flocks and devour all the bird food in site.  They are also quite noisy and leave a mess with their droppings.  Yet … Continued

The Squirrels

posted in: Lens Friends | 0

Squirrels – friends or foe? I think you either love or hate the squirrels.  I really don’t like them because they are always finding ways to get to the bird feeders to get the seed.  But I love the antics … Continued

It’s Magic

posted in: Christmas | 0

Add some magic to your child’s or grandchild’s Christmas Eve by making some magic reindeer food and a magic key. Is your child or grandchild worried because they don’t have a chimney in their house?How will Santa get in to … Continued

Warm Feet

posted in: Knitting | 0

I’ve finished a couple of pairs of socks in the past couple of weeks.  These were knit on 4 dpns.  I choose to knit my socks as tube socks so that they will feet any size foot.  I call the … Continued