Blue River Store

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On our train journey home from Vancouver Island in November 2011 we saw so many fascinating sights and we took so many photos.   One of the places was the Blue River Store, which is said to be the oldest commercial building between Kamloops and the Rockies.  The store was pointed out to us while we were in the observation car and I was able to get a few photos of it as we approached and went by.  Oh how I would of loved to look inside.


The store was built in 1912 and it is the dark building that the train is approaching.


The sign is visible in this photo.  I love how the trim is painted blue to match the name of the community. You can read about the Blue River area and store here.


The original name of David McLaren is still on the sign.  He retired in 1954 and new owners took over till 2001 when it changed hands again.

I’m sharing this bit of Canadian history with Signs, Signs.

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