January – The Fence Garden

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Do you ever have an idea that you think is brilliant, but it takes a long time for it to actually be put into action?  Last year I had a brilliant idea to take a photo of the same garden at approximately  the same time each month.  I would do the same this year and then be able to compare the results.  Here are the comparison photos for January 2012 and January 2013.

I started with the fence garden.  This is a fenced garden that hides the 3 composters.  If you have read my old blog you might remember some of the photos of this area.  The fence also holds all my old garden tools.  You know the ones that you can’t bear to part with when the handle breaks or one of the prongs gets bent out of shape.  I’ve got rakes and shovels and forks and watering cans that are displayed on this fence.

fence shadow1

The above photo was taken on January 20, 2012 when it was a lovely sunny day and the shadow of the fence was cast over the garden, which was sleeping under some snow.  Some plants in this area are Jerusalem artichoke, heliposis, beebalm.


The photo was taken from the deck on January 12, 2013.  The snow cover isn’t as much as last year but then this was the start of the January thaw for this year and you can see how some of the snow has started to vanish.  There were record setting temperatures in our area of +10 Celsius that day.


Those temperatures continued and just a day later, on January 13, 2013, but they rose to break more records to +14 Celsius.  This was an early morning photo and you can get a sense of the fog that was around.  There is certainly less snow.


This photo was taken today, January 15, 2013.  It is just 2 days later but you really wouldn’t know we had any snow at all except for those odd little bits in the garden and the strip along the back field.  Today is a lovely sunny day but the temperatures have dropped back to 0 Celsius.

Maybe I should play spot the difference between the first and last photos.  There are some extra whimsical items in the bottom photo.  Can you spot them?

Todays mail (both email and snail mail) bought reminders that it is time to start preparing for spring.  I browsed through a lovely seed catalogue while I had my lunch and with the turn of each page I could hear the ding, ding as the cash register in my head saw $$$$ floating around!!  It also reminded me that I have to get busy transferring a lot of the seed info posts back to this site.  I guess that will get me through the next few weeks of winter.

This is what it’s like in my part of the world and I’m sharing with Our World Tuesday.  What is it like in your part of the world?

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