Expanding Herb’s Place

posted in: Garden areas | 6

Herb’s Place, started in 2020, has been expanding. The area under a set of stairs that was moved became part of this garden area. Trouble is the ground was so compacted that it was nearly impossible to dig into. So I moved a few bottomless pots and added a lot more and now the area is looking ready for the growing season.

The trellis always had old buckets at the base, (the bottoms had rusted away) full of scarlet runner beans. That was about the width of the garden, but with the added space I moved the railway tie borders out. The old buckets were replaced with some tubs from the plant tables.

Herbs Place 2021 at caftygardener.ca

When the stairs were moved from the side to the front of the deck one of the plant tables had to go, so the black tubs were moved into Herb’s Place and set in an U formation, 2 for the runner beans and the other 3 for various herbs.

Herbs Place 2021 at caftygardener.ca

This photo shows the wooden path that has been added to replace the temporary stepping stone, much easier for stepping inside and reaching all the containers. My friendly frog, Herb, is hoping for some mail but I don’t think there is delivery in that part of the garden. In the meantime the old mailbox will hold the garden tools for this area.

using bottomless pots at craftygardener.ca

Lots of bottomless pots full of chives, garlic chives, allium and Egyptian Walking onions were added. When it is time I’ll be adding annual herbs of parsley, basil, borage and dill into the bottomless buckets. Perennial herbs in the tubs are oregano, thyme, sage and mint.

how to make a free weeds sign at craftygardener.ca

A couple of years ago I made a garden sign, inspired by a friend’s creation. It has finally found a home in Herb’s Place. I used a really vintage (was going to say old, but vintage sounds somuch better) hand claw to fasten on to the sign. Perhaps someone will come along and do the weeding for me!

how to make a free weeds sign at craftygardener.ca

Here is the area, much wider now, and easier to access. Looking forward to seeing the trellis full of climbing beans and the herbs all flourishing in the bottomless pots.

Herbs Place 2021 at caftygardener.ca
Herb’s Place 2021

When the plant tables get planted there will be tomatoes and lettuce so I’ll have lots of good pickings for tasty salads in the summer.

What herbs do you grow?

garden line

Other garden areas:

6 Responses

  1. Jennifer Jilks

    I’ve given up on gardening! We’re going to tear down the veggie garden picket fence. I just don’t have the strength or energy.
    You do continue to inspire, though. Thank you for that.

    • Crafty Gardener

      I’m giving up on at least 2 garden plant areas, just too much work and maintenance. But this little area has been given attention because the things that grow here are edible and I find it much easier to work in the raised tubs than getting down on the ground.

  2. Myrtle

    Linda, you never stop amazing with your gardening abilities. Where were you when I was in better condition and had a good size backyard that I did make a rock garden in a wasted area?

    • Crafty Gardener

      Thanks Myrt. This little area has edible plants which I still use. I am getting rid of some of the flower gardens though, just too much maintenance and work to keep up with the weeding. I’m all for ease of gardening now.

  3. Debbie

    i read and enjoyed several of your posts, but i could not figure out how to leave comments. i think, perhaps, i did not scroll down far enough. i have never heard of bottomless gardening but i have heard of weeds * wink *

    ps…back in january you left me a comment on my blog. it got lost in a bunch of other email notifications and i just found it today!! shame on me!!

    but i am glad i found it and have gotten to know you today!!

    • Crafty Gardener

      Thanks for stopping by Debbie. Bottomless pots have been wonderful in the area of really compacted soil, and I’ve been able to turn it into a small herb garden. Hope you had a lovely weekend.

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