Dishcloth Britches

posted in: Knitting | 9

I recently have been knitting dishcloths.  The simple pattern is one that I use whenever I don’t have other projects on the go.
I like to keep a stack of dishcloths for my use and to give as little gifts. This year I decided to make some up as dishcloth britches!  This is a favourite seller at church bazaars and craft sales.  You just need 2 square knitted dishcloths and some thin ribbon or yarn for fastening them together.

This is the pattern I use for knitted dishcloths.  If you want a bigger cloth just add more than 40 stitches.  The size of the needle will also change the size of the cloth.  I use 4mm needles as I like a tight dishcloth.

  • Cast on 4 stitches. K2, yo, k to end of row.
  • Repeat this row till you have 40 stitches on the needle.
  • Then start the decrease, k1, k2tog, yo, k2tog, knit to end.
  • Continue till there are just 4 stitches left.
  • Cast off.
knitted dishcloth britches at

You need 2 dishcloths and some thin ribbon or even yarn to put the britches together.  Fold the dishcloths in half and thread the ribbon through the top spaces on both cloths.  Then you need another piece of ribbon/yarn to tie at the crotch.  Two more pieces of ribbon/yarn will be threaded through the bottom of each cloth to make the pant legs.

Add the poem on a small card and you have a cute little gift.  You could pair these up with hand soap, liquid soap and/or hand cream to finish off the gift.

dishcloth britches poem at

You could also use crocheted dish cloths.  Have fun!

crochet line at

Kitchen Crafts:

Dishcloth ideas:

9 Responses

  1. Nicola

    Hi Linda. I loved your little poem. My husband agreed that at a craft fair the presentation and the little poem would make these a happy little gift for people. Have a great Sunday!

  2. Myrtle

    Morning Linda, you you are keeping warm. I have knit a lot of dishcloths over the years and same pattern. A beautiful woman, a dil’s mother in law had gifted me one Christmas with this along with with other homemade items. She lived to be 100 and is now greatly missed but I still have some items as a reminder of her.

  3. linda

    Oh Linda…you do make me laugh!
    These are adorable…
    Linda :o)

  4. Teresa

    So cute! I love how you tied them together!
    Thank you for sharing at The Really Crafty Link Party this week. Pinned.

  5. Michelle

    What a cute idea! Thank you for linking up with Creative Compulsions! And my apologies for being behind with commenting.

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