The idea had been mulling around in my mind for ages, time to think outside of the box (or square) and get into the round. I’ve been making crochet circles of different shapes and I’ve put them all together into my latest ‘purse’onality project.
The rest of my crochet bags are either made with granny squares or stripes, so it was time for a change.

My bags are always lined, done at the end of the project. This time I made the bag backwards, starting with the lining and the crochet strip that would hold it all together.
This was a great project to use up those odd balls of left over yarn from other projects. There was material left over from my towel apron and that determined the colour of the yarn I would use for this first bag. I keep all the odd balls of yarn organized by colour in storage bags, which is a great way to quickly find what you want.

The lining was made (no photos while actually sewing it). Then a strip of double crochet was made to fit around the top of the bag and then sewed onto the lining. This would be the base line for attaching the circles.

The circles were made from different colours of yarn, all in the beige and brown colour scheme. At first I pinned them on to see if my idea would look right. Each circle had a long tail left on it when finished off so this would be used to stitch them into place. Some bigger ones were placed on first, then the medium sized ones got a bit of overlapping here and there and finally the small circles were used to stitch on top of the spaces as circles don’t fit together as well as squares.

The ones at the sides and bottoms were wrapped around the sides or bottom and secured into place. One thing to remember is to be working onto the wrong side of the lining, so that when finished all the seamed edges and left over tails were tucked inside.

Here you get a peek at the inside with a good size pocket and the pinning on of the strap and lining. This bag has a single strap done in double crochet and is attached at each side. Adding the lining stops the strap from stretching out when in use.

It’s all finished and ready for use. Each side is different to the other.

I certainly will make this bag again using some different colours … perhaps greens, or black/grey. I’ll have to see what colours I want to use up next.

A couple of years ago I made a similar bag out of circles for the South Eastern Ontario yarn crawl. It is always a good conversation starter when I go to different stitching sessions.
I’m sharing with Slow Sunday Stitching. This project was certainly a slow stitching project, and I love the way it turned out. Perfect for going shopping to taking projects to the next stitching session.

~Bags with purse-onality~
- black and grey bag
- circles bag
- green tote bag
- kitty bag
- mosiac bag
- portable pocket bag
- shades of grey crochet bag
- upcycled black bags bags
- upcycled embriodered bag
- yarn crawl bag
The Crafty Side dabbles in: knit & crochet, sewing & plastic canvas, Crafty’s projects, craf-tea ideas, kids crafts, rock crafts, Christmas Ideas
Vondean Erickson
Such a beautiful bag. Makes me feel so lazy when I see what all you do. I guess I spend too much time doing nothing (reading too much) for one thing. So many of my friends do the same thing I do. I know reading is a great past time but should do other things also. I need to clean out my craft closet and see what I really have in there.
That bag is very unique and pretty.
Crafty Gardener
Thanks Cathie
Your circle bag is beautiful Linda, I like the colours too!
You have the greatest imagination for coming up with ideas to work on. I am sure you get lots of attention with your bags.
Crafty Gardener
Lots of conversations get started because of my crochet bags. I love them and they hardly cost anything to make, not like the bags you purchase. Have a great day.
Quilter Kathy
It is marvellous! A one-of-a-kind treasure! Very creative!
Crafty Gardener
I love that it is unique. Thanks for stopping by.
Karrin Hurd
Your bag is beautiful. Thanks for showing how you constructed it!
Crafty Gardener
Thanks for sopping by Karrin.
What an interesting way to make a very unique bag!
Crafty Gardener
I love that it is unique, and it is a great way to start conversations So many people ask about my bags. Thanks for stopping by.
This is so clever!I love the layered circles!
Crafty Gardener
It was a fun project to make. Thanks for stopping by.
Your bag is quite unique and beautiful. Thank you for visiting my blog.