Vegetables: Okra

posted in: Plant Profiles, Vegetables | 0

This is the first time I’m trying to grow okra seed in my veggie container garden.  The seeds were given out at Canada Blooms, which we visited last March. This isn’t a veggie that is on my shopping list and I … Continued

Feeding in the Rain

posted in: Birds | 0

The feeders have been busy places while the rain has been pouring down.  There has been lots of young birds in … perhaps filling up on food for the long flights ahead of them in the coming weeks.  We have … Continued

Plant Profile: Lovage

posted in: Plant Profiles | 0

Lovage is an edible, tall and erect, herbaceous perennial  plant that is one of the first to start poking through the ground in early April.  It belongs to the umbellifier family and can grow up to 2.5 meters tall. The name lovage comes from the … Continued