Here is a fun gift to make and give, made from plastic canvas. It is also a great little craft to do with the kids and grandkids.
This little craft was originally and idea I used when I was a Girl Guide leader. Here is the original photo that was on the website.

From small pieces of 7 count plastic canvas cut a piece that is 14 holes high, and 6 holes wide at the bottom. The bottom square of the fly swatter is 6 holes x 6 holes. To make the handle just cut away the edge pieces so that the handle is 2 holes wide by 8 holes high. Overcast stitch around the outside or you can stitch the whole thing in with any colour of your choice. Glue on a plastic fly. My little fly swatter is quite old and the over the years the glue has yellowed.

More Girl Guide crafts.

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